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Moo Staff Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: bottle

Which staff member are you reporting: Moo

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I was basically in my friend's base spawning bottles in and they were throwing the bottles outside of the base (which was a megabase) out on to the street. He jailtped me and said nothing at all and stayed there with me for about 10 minutes with people saying I wasn't doing anything wrong after I despawned them all. I was then banned for minge for 3 days without any sort of reason given.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:


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Hello. I apologize for not communicating more with you wilst you were jailed. I was talking it over in staff chat with the other staff. The bottles were all over spawn and causing a lot of lag, which potentially could've crashed the server. They weren't cleaned up until I had brought you. You shouldn't of been mass-spawning them in the first place, but if you had known your friends were throwing them into the street that should've compelled you to stop.

After talking it over with another staff member I had decided to ban you for three days for minge. To me that seems like a reasonable punishment, I apologize if you think otherwise.

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The problem that I had with this overall is that originally it would’ve been a warn or you could have told me to stop and then if I did it again you warn me/ban me but considering it was the first time I saw no reason to ban me.

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