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Jeesus Report: Abusive Trial Mod


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: RoyGeeBiv

Which staff member are you reporting: Jeesus

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: The admin was incredibly rude and not helpful. I got jailed for 120 seconds for the reason "Read the motd. This was because my first interaction with the mod was me putting in a ticket asking "Can hobos have fading doors",  Jeesus then tped to me and told me they can not. So I said "check out the hobo base near spawn then". Jessus then checked it out, and found out that there were fading windows, and a no collide door and not a "fading door". A misunderstanding on my part, not understanding that fading windows were allowed for hobos, but fading doors were not. A couple minutes later, a player was complaining about a batman being in a sit that he was not apart of. He wasn't just present and hanging out, he was interjecting and interrupting. So I asked in ooc if he was allowed to interfere in sits as batman. As soon as I asked the question (I knew the answer, it was more of a reminder to the staff online at the time), I was instantly jailed and told to "Read the motd". I copy and pasted the rule regarding interfering with sits, and jeesus then decided to bring up the fading window rule again, and said I clearly didn't read the motd ( I did read it, I was just confused on this rule)

Is this how staff members should treat players? I was disgusted by the behavior of this mod, and am really upset I was treated this way for reporting what I thought was in good faith that someone was breaking a rule. At no point did the mod try to explain the door vs window thing, he instead rudely put me in a corner and jailed me yelling at me to read the motd. The only thing I was guilty of was being confused on a fading door/window rule. That was my "Crime" and I was jailed for 120 seconds for it. I can also assure you that I read the MOTD, I'm very familiar with it, and didn't need to read it all again. Moderators should be teachers and educators, not people who punish for asking questions. I really hope someone sees this report and recognizes the problem.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

Ferrit was on at the time, he was the one that had batman in his sit with him, he can also vouch for how rudely I was treated, and jailed for no real reason.


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  • RoyGeeBiv changed the title to Jeesus Report: Abusive Trial Mod

I only knew about that no collided wall which was used as a door by the hobos at the time of the ticket, the hobo involved then showed me that he in fact had a fading window which was when I realized I was in the wrong and told the hobo to remove the fading window which he did. I also apologized to you yesterday and thought that this was resolved.

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At what point was it resolved? You never apologized and I had to wait the full 120 seconds in jail and you told me to "Read the motd" multiple times. I'm not upset about the hobo situation, I'm upset you jailed me for 120 seconds when I wasn't breaking any rules. I did not break any rules and was punished, that's the part I'm upset with. Punishments should be reserved for rule breakers, I'm curious what justified me being jailed? Do you have any justification for that?

Edited by RoyGeeBiv
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