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Staff report on Greg The DarpRP Lawyer


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Lowkey

Which staff member are you reporting: Greg The DarpRP Lawyer

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Someone instigated a fight and I said lets go fight me (as he punched me) so I pulled out a gun and killed him. He then got out of spawn and tried to snipe me, missed his first shot and I said what are you doing and he killed me (2 broken rules on his part). I reported him and greg gave both me and him a warning. My warning was (aRDM) and also in the sit he said I'm being warned for being an asshole.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: (VIDEO ATTACHED IS PROOF I NEVER ATTEMPTED RDM AND I WASNT IN THE WRONG AT ALL)

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I warned you because if you are going to instigate a fight and report it, especially after lying about your OWN rules you two set for it, then have the gull to make a ticket about this guy rdming you, I think it's more than fair to warn you both.



1. You rdmed him and instigated instead of making a report

2. He rdmed you.


I think it was pretty fair to warn you both after receiving the ticket. If you have any inquires, be sure to send me a message via discord SirGregoryElliott#8324

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