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Blueberries report


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Your In-Game (RP) name: Drayerkim

Player's In-Game (RP) name: Blueberries

Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:63365721

Describe how the player broke the rules: Mass RDM (I only screen shotted a small portion of the kills (11), they has easily killed over 20 people within the last 10 minutes. Also chanted "NO MODS NO MODS" Also they have 36 frags as of the time I'm posting this

Evidence of the player breaking the rules: Pictures posted.



Edited by Drayerkim
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Yeah when you have the entire swat team shooting or trying to taze you, its great.
Plus its fun to see what people will do when there are no mods on the server.
FYI Most of those people I killed was banned for either Minging or NITRP, its understandable to come to a conclusion that I was mass RDMing from the kill logs and the text chat, but I didn't think of recording all of the police that tried to arrest/kill me.

Edited by I don't know.
forgot to add the "no mods" reponse
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Screenshots of a killfeed are not sufficient evidence to conclude that someone is rdming. For all we know the player could have been in their home with a KOS sign, or they could have been raiding another player, or the pd. Screenshots simply showing kills in a console are not enough for us to confidently say this was massrdm. If you have video or additional proof, feel free to post it here. 

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