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Report on JohnnyToast

Doctor Hunt

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Your In-Game (RP) Name: hunt

Which staff member are you reporting: JohhnyToast

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: 

I wanted to get off after being tazed, so I simply logged off and hopped on another server. I did not re-log or anything because I didn't want to sit in jail, I wanted to play the game so I left and had it at that. When I came on just now, I see that I have a warning for FailRP. 

This is more of I just want the warning removed more than I want the staff member punished.

I simply left the RP area by leaving the game, causing no harm to anyone nor did I really avoid an RP situation since I didn't return until 6 hours later. 

Also, if we're being real, it's FailRP to have staff on duty walking around in the streets, so can you please talk to the mod about this? I don't know if he knows that you shouldn't be whilst on duty but, just a nice talk would work out fine.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:


The sound quality is sucky but here's basically what I said in response to the cop arresting me...

"Nope. I'm gonna go do something else, bye!"

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To be fair, this was FailRP, as you left the game to avoid a RP scenario. I understand what you mean, as you were just wanting to save time, but there was no context then and there, it just looked like you were logging off to avoid arrest. The warn was needed, because "on paper" you broke the rule.


Edit: I've seen the precautions that I should have taken before warning for this now, and will have the warn removed.

Edited by ScoobaJack
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4 minutes ago, ScoobaJack said:

To be fair, this was FailRP, as you left the game to avoid a RP scenario. I understand what you mean, as you were just wanting to save time, but there was no context then and there, it just looked like you were logging off to avoid arrest. The warn was needed, because "on paper" you broke the rule.


You should've looked at the chat log to see if I rejoined, that would've made sense for a FailRP warn. 

I didn't log back in, therefore warn wasn't really needed. I see the confusion though.

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