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Poopy Pee Pee and Pagina's Report.


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Your In-Game (RP) name: Rapidfire the Reformed Thief

Player's In-Game (RP) name: Poopy Pee Pee and Pagina

Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) (STEAM_0:0:43000595)

Describe how the player broke the rules: He is Mass RDMing, BHOP scripting, aimbotting, mingeing. 

Evidence of the player breaking the rules: I am working on processing the Medal clips. Message me and I will send the link. 

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I was there too and it was really toxic. I don’t know about the Bhop and aimbot but off of what I saw, he was just constantly Mass RDMing, Mass RDTing, and MassRDAing. I was arrest multiple times and when I was running my gun shop, he would just run in a tase my customers. It ended up putting me out of business 😢

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