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-15 -Discord -Active -Good Mic -Ex-Staff... again... -It's Summer so I got way too much time on my hands. The only problems is im going to the beach next week but i think i can get my tickets done. I'm bored and once again, I really wanna staff for some reason and I have a lot of time on my hands. I keep resigning so ima try to stay longer cause the community looks like it healed a little. l also got a new PC so I can actually run games now. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? EpicGamerThatIsCool a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198977201619/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) 1fps#6260 a4) What timezone are you located in? Central Time a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 0 Active, 5 Total All July 16th-24th (Old) a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? Just for exceeding the warning threshold a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I've staffed on Xeno multiple times but resigned all those times and I had a server for a bit Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? It's the best server I know that doesn't have a pointless addons that just get in the way and cause lag like the piss and shit swept, and I met some chill people while staffing before b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I have had a lot of practice, I just refreshed my memory by reading the MOTD again, I'll just get the job done. If someones arguing with me over and over I just stick with the information I have and if they broke a rule, I'm punishing them accordingly unless the victim makes a deal with them or something while trying to be as nice as possible. If someones rude to me them I'm just going to get the sit over with. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM is when a player is killed for no reason. For example, you are walking down the street and get shot down from someone for no reason (no mugs or other rp related reasons), you were RDMed. The punishments for RDM would be a warn for each RDM until 3 or more RDMs which would be a 2 week ban for Mass RDM. RDA is when a player is arrested for no reason. For example, you're standing on the street and a cp tases, cuffs, and arrests you for no reason (no lockdown, weaponcheck), you were RDAed. The punishments would be the same as RDM, a warn for each RDA until 3 or more, when they will receive a 2 week ban as their punishment. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR is when you die in game while in a raid, mug, kidnap, etc, you forgot everything and you can't go back to where you died and interact with the RPing. If you die in a raid, you can't go back to your base until the raid is over. You also need to wait 120 seconds before returning to the sight of your death. Example: A thief raids your base and you die in the process. You then walk back to your base and kill the raider. You just broke the new life rule. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagame is when you can't use information beyond your realistic knowledge or outside of RP. Example: You are a Police Officer and you see a person advert a mug then see another person get killed by the mugger in the kill feed. You can't go look for that person and arrest them. This is a less commonly broken rule but harder to understand. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I would start recording, tell the Discord, then post a report on the forums. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would jail the person RDMing, finish my current sit, then punish the RDMer accordingly. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. If the only 2 people online were building in the streets, I would ask them to remove the props or switch to hobo and build on the sidewalks. If they ignore my instructions, I would remove the props and give them a warn for building on the streets. If they do it again, they will receive a kick and so on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- That's it. Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------
tbh I really don't like it when these are on servers. makes dealing guns boring.
not really. Just knowing that you are getting a different product changes it a bit. And i'm not saying 2 of them would be added. I'm just wondering what people think of the idea and which one they think is the best. Would they like the idea of making the meth or the cocaine.
Update: I heard that Xeno is focused more on the old 2010 feel of DarkRP which explains the frequent RDM (jk) but that changes some things. I still think the server would be a lot better with something new. That’s the whole reason I started staffing is because this is such a good server but just doing the usual bit coin farming and meth got old and I needed something new on Xeno, so I got into staffing.
Okay so I know it's risky suggesting this kin of thing but ima do it just to see what other people think. If you are interested, please read the entire post so I can get a more honest and clear response. If you miss something, it can change a lot so please read carfully. Alright, so I have a ton of friends that I showed Xeno to. One of the main reasons they stop playing is because there isn't much to do on it. Once you do everything, it eventually gets old after a while. The whole sitting in a base with bit miners is booorrriinnnggg. I think they need to be a back ground thing to use while you do meth and stuff which they are, obviously, but eventually it all gets old. I love the meth system and i'm glad it was added to the server. Most people come to servers for things like the meth. Cooking meth is one of the most fun things to do on servers, but it eventually gets old. The weed isn't worth the time and effort. You could sell it to actual players and make bank and I have done that and it makes a lot of money. There are problems with that too. Your base gets and annoying amount of attention and there is constant commotion. People doing things like vaping and taking tip-jars while you got raiders to deal with. It gets really stressing taking all the fun away. I think it would be really cool to have like some cocaine plug-in or something so I can make a base in the industrial and do something new with bit miners in the background farming as I work. I love Xeno and would love to play it with my good friends but they all think it's boring now. Other server have good things like a large variety of criminal money making jobs but there is always something wrong. Xeno has everything except for a wide variety of things to do. I understand it could cause problem like lag, but I'm sure it wouldn't effect much to add something small. Another problem with this would be irl money. Most scripts will cost money if you want ones without back doors. This would take a lot of time too setting up the scripts entire system like how much money a player would make for selling something. It will take a lot of time and effort to get one of these set up but in my opinion, I think it will pay off in the end attracting more players and growing the community. I have gone trough a popular plug-in/script site called "gmodstore" and picked out some of the best. Please tell me what you think. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ Zero´s MethLab (Drug Script) Here's a currently popular plug-in I had a lot of fun using. This one isn't really one I would recommend, I just want to see what y'all think. Maybe it can be an "Enhanced Meth Cook" or something? I don't recommend this cause there's already a meth system and it's fun to use and not as common now that it isn't sold anymore. Script: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-methlab-drug-script YT Vid: ___________________________________________________________ The Cocaine Factory (Custom Models, Blend Sequences & Donator Features) Currently $7.99 Alright, this ones gonna spring some argument. So I tried this on a server and it is so fun. Like I would love for this to be added. BUT, there's a lot of problems with it. I made a little testing server and got this script onto it and there is a lot on it. Since there are so many items, entities, and functions, there is a huge amount of scripts and setting to prefect. It could also cause lag to a small server like Xeno but people would love it. I definitely recommend this one so please check it out and tell me what you think. Oh yeah, it also has donator features. Link: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/6306 Vid: ___________________________________ Zero´s Trashman (Trash Script) This ones a cool one but idk. Go have a look. Link: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/zero-s-trashman-trash-script Vid: ______________________________________ Thanks for reading this. That's all the good one's I could find. Please leave a reply below. It would be appreciated.
I'm down in Texas and it's spreading here too. It's actually about to end school for the rest of the year. Everything is just getting worse everyday. My hair is starting to get long and they are closing places like that so what am I gonna do?
glass bottle is best but over price and how easy it is to find, definitely canned. I have a huge case of canned coke in my garage rn.
I was there too and it was really toxic. I don’t know about the Bhop and aimbot but off of what I saw, he was just constantly Mass RDMing, Mass RDTing, and MassRDAing. I was arrest multiple times and when I was running my gun shop, he would just run in a tase my customers. It ended up putting me out of business
-15 -Still a Discord Member -Pretty Active -Got my mic upgraded and it sounds great -coronavirus is here so I get a huge break from school Yep, I'm trying again and maybe I can last. Now that coronavirus got me out of school for a bit, I can probably staff on here again. Hopefully I don't end up getting online classes . I got bored and remembered Xeno existed and though I would come back cause I've been pretty bored lately. I hopped on and read through the MOTD and played for a bit to refresh my memory and I think I'm good to come back. Hopefully this time, I'm not gonna be so busy and I can actually make it all the way to SMod. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? EpicGamerThatIsCool a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198977201619/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) jared_fuego#6260 a4) What timezone are you located in? Central Time a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 0 Active, 5 Total All July 16th-24th (Old) a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? Just for exceeding the warning threshold a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I've staffed on Xeno multiple times but resigned all those times... Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? It's the best DarkRP server I have ever played on, It has a decent amount of players, I have a lot of time on my hands, I am in the mood to help out the XenoRP community including it's staff, I have had a good staffing history on Xeno before, and I miss staffing here. I also havn't seen much staff on in the later hours and it get's pretty toxic. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? Again, I have time on my hands so I should get a lot done on it and I am not a toxic person. If someone is being toxic or rude in a sit, I won't take offense and start talking back with them. I will keep it simple and if they don't like their penalty, then they shouldn't be getting into the trouble that got them the penalty. I don't argue with the players because I know more than they do and all it does is make me look like a bad person. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM aka Random Deathmatch is when a player is killed for no reason. For example, if a player is taking a stroll and gets shot by another play for no reason at all (no mug, kidnap, etc.) then that is considered RDM. The punishments for RDM would be a warn for each RDM until 3 or more RDMs which would be a 2 week ban for Mass RDM. RDA aka Random Arrest is when a player is arrested for no reason. For example, a player is taking a stroll by the PD and gets tased and arrested for no reason (no laws against what he/she is doing) then that is considered RDA. The punishments would be the same as RDM, a warn for each RDA until 3 or more, when they will receive a 2 week ban ass their punishment. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. New Life Rule aka NLR is when you die in game while in a raid, mug, kidnap, etc, you forgot everything and you can't go back to where you died and interact with the RPing. If you die in a raid, you can't go back to your base until the raid is over. You also need to wait 120 seconds before returning to the sight of your death. Example: A thief raids your base and you die in the process. You then walk back to your base and kill the raider. You just broke the new life rule. NLR is a big problem on DarkRP servers and is one of the most broken rules. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagame is when you can't use information beyond your realistic knowledge or outside of RP. Example: You are a Police Officer and you see a person advert a mug then see another person get killed by the mugger in the kill feed. You can't go look for that person and arrest them. This is a less commonly broken rule but harder to understand. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? First thing I would do if I saw a higher up abusing is launch up OBS and hit the record button cause that's all i need to report them on the forums. I would also tell the discord if it is very bad. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? If I was in a sit and saw another player Mass RDMing, I would grab the Mass RDMer and jail him before he causes more problems then continue my sit. When I'm finished with that sit, I will take care of the Mass RDMer. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. If the only 2 people online were building in the streets, I would ask them to remove the props or switch to hobo and build on the sidewalks. If they ignore my instructions, I would remove the props and give them a warn for building on the streets. If they do it again, they will receive a kick and so on. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for taking the time to read my application, if you leave a reply tanks for that too. Hopefully I can get accepted again. If you need me, here's my discord: jared_fuego#6260 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Extra Info:
- 15 -In the Discord - Ex-staff and active. Going to try to be on everyday especially if i'm staff again. - Got a working mic - Christmas break is coming so ill be up late doing this. ------------------------------------------------ a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? EpicGamerThatIsCool a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198977201619/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? EpicGamerThatIsCool#6260 a4) What timezone are you located in? Central Time a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 5 old ones all before July 24 (picture attached just scroll down a bit) a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? I have been banned once for exceeding the warning threshold. a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I'm ex-staff on Xeno. That's it. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I want to volunteer because I miss staffing on Xeno and making friends with the players and staff. I think it's a lot of fun help player with their problems. School hasn't been as annoying to me recently and now that Christmas break is coming, I will be on A LOT. I had a lot of fun staffing and I just want to do it again. I just needed a small 1 month long break because school. I stay b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I think I will be a good mod because I am ex-staff and learned a lot from the staff team. I know what not to do after my past and I think i'll do a lot better. I also love doing sits and helping people. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM means Random Deathmatch. It's when one player randomly kills another player for no reason. RDM Example: You are walking on the sidewalk and then you get gunned down to death from a random player. You have been RDMed. RDA means Random Arrest. It's when a player that is part of the Civil Protection team randomly arrests you. RDA Example: You are walking down the street, you are randomly tased, cuffed, then arrested. That's RDA. RDM Punishment: I would give them 1 warn if the victim is unhappy. If they RDMed 3 or more times, I would ban them for 2 weeks for Mass RDM. RDA Punishment: I would warn the 1 time and if they RDAed 3 or more times, 2 week ban for Mass RDA. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. The New Life Rule aka NLR is when you die in game while in a raid, mug, kidnap, etc, you forgot everything and you can't go back to where you died and interact with the RPing. If you die in a raid, you can't go back to your base until the raid is over. You also need to wait 120 seconds before returning to the sight of your death. Example: A thief raids your base and you die in the process. You then walk back to your base and kill the raider. You just broke the new life rule. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. You can't use information beyond your realistic knowledge or outside of RP. Example: You are a Police Officer and you see a person advert a mug then see another person get killed by the mugger in the kill feed. You can't go look for that person and arrest them. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? First thing I would do is record it. I would post a report on the forums and go tell the Discord server what is happening. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would pause my current sit, ban the Mass RDMer for 2 weeks, then continue my old sit. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I would tell them they can't build in the streets and they could be a hobo and build on the sidewalks. If they ignore me, I would give them a warn and kick them. If I was moderator, I would remove the props and warn them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish I just went on absence... -------------------------------------------------------------------------
This is very serious. He want's to manage the events.
The only time I get like that is if people do it to me and are just annoying. I never do it in sits or anything like that but I’m calls on the discord, everyone messes around. You did it all the time when u were staff. People are always like that in calls including higher ups and your reporting me. I’m just gonna wait until someone sees this and handles it. Again, sorry.
This was already taken care of and I was told not to do that. That was when I was a t-mod and I learned a lot. Sorry about that.
It’s just getting boring having to sit in a base with bitminers to make good money. I don’t know what else to say. I’m done posting to this forum. I have never seen any suggestion from here end up getting acknowledged by an owner or added to the server.
+1 I would love to have a money making entity for the donator rank I purchased. I do think it is fine to have these jobs only as donator, the lockpick pro is OP, but I want a better printer. Barley anyone uses the printers unless they are new to the server or just starting. Waiting for bitcoins to generate gets pretty boring and I think it would be fun to upgrade and click a printer that can get me good money instead of sit and wait for coins to generate. I never use money clickers because they are bad. I think there are too many clickers for new players and none for players in the millions. Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you agree with me. -Epic
I decided that the cringe level should be 10. Wut u think
Hi my name is EpicGamerThatIsCool. I’ve been a trail mod on Xeno for bout 2 weeks atm. You have probably seen me on. I no longer RP I just staff lol. I’m a big dumb because I did !checkrank (do not do !checkrank) (it does very bad). I’m too obsessed with staffing. I literally get home from school and staff Lel. I also staff lots on weekends and I like to be the late night mod. Enough about staffing. I’m an epic gamer that is cool. I game epically. I am cool... I think... nvm it’s a fact. I’m very cool. I might RP more when I get my donator rank back but for know. Ima not end my addiction. Plz leave what you think about me in the replies. I’m much of the curious. Have you had a good history with me? Am I a good mod? Am I annoying? Plz let me know. Thx fellow epic gamers! (Cringe level=0) -Epic
Also, even doing the Meth Cooking glitch where you put the pot between the two red lines and put a stove on top, it is still a slow process to get barley anything.
-1 I really hate this thing when I see it on other servers. It just gets really annoying and it’s not hard to not break NLR. It just looks bad and can cause lag. Also, as Hobo said, if you get RDMed, you can’t go back.
No, it’s up to me. Again, sorry that I didn’t warn him. I’m tired of going back and forth. This is the last time I’m replying. I have full control on if I want to warn someone or not. I did let you talk. I always let people show their side of the story unless they are interrupting or screaming into their mic. HAVE A NICE DAY.
He said during the sit that he said the cost and not to move and you didn’t deny it. You just accepted the warn. To me it sounds like you knew he said these things. You never said he didn’t say these things. I’m done with this now. I’m sorry that you didn’t get what you wanted but I chose not to warn him. Have a nice rest of your day.
Again, my way of doing things is to verbal if it’s small like this. I don’t care what rank he is or what hat job he is. Keep in mind, the mug was not false. He used his mic saying the cost and not to move.
AGAIN, It's my choice to put a warn on someone or not. I have never seen him on the server before so I just verbal warned him. He got a verbal because I chose to give him a verbal. -Epic