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  1. So who's the tard that manual banned me instead of using the bot
  2. 1. Xenorp used to be on the map evocity 2. xxkracklexx found your pro thief and juggernaut player models 3. The server always lags because my cat likes to sit on the servers raspberry pi 4. there was a bigger minge than krackle and his name is nacly
  3. 5 hours ago sounds like this was during rdm oclock
  4. xxkracklexx


    Your In-Game (RP) name: Alphamale Player's In-Game (RP) name:xxtenticaleporn Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console)STEAM_0:1:179971167 Describe how the player broke the rules: propblock Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://prnt.sc/rp98px
  5. Stop lying bitch. Your happy because a admin spot has opened up.
  6. Stop lying bitch. Your happy because a admin spot has opened up.
  7. This is mainly for animals that's your state/country won't let you own The exotic pets I would like to own Polar bear Platypus Alligator Grizzly bear
  8. God i wish i wasn't on forum probation too so i could call people no names.
  9. So what's happening for our welcome back party
  10. As the toxicity manager @Meep your banned from the xenorp community at the moment so you honestly don't have the right to reply to this thread Btw I 1+ this idea
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