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Teffa Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: RoyGeeBiv

Which staff member are you reporting: Teffa

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

I put in a few tickets and they were ignored. The minute someone put a ticket in on me it was claimed within seconds. From the start of the sit you could see how happy Teffa was to have a sit on me. I was actively involved in RP and kindly asked the moderator to "Wait to bring me until after pd raid". Of course that request was ignored. I was really hoping that Teffa would wait the 30 seconds to bring me and let me deal with the pd raid. :'(

During the sit the moderator allowed the other party to berate me, call me a retard, call me a piece of shit, lie etc. I think the moderator should have stepped in and at minimum asked them to stop.

This sit was really one sided, and I felt like the mod was out to get me, and nothing more. I might be wrong, but this is certainly how It felt. I tried to make reports regarding the other party before during and after this sit, due to the many rules that they were breaking at the time. I tried to bring up the issues to the moderator in this sit, but he promptly ended the sit and never let me have a report on those guys. Once I was innocent it was like nothing else mattered to the moderator. He shut down. The blatant case of rdm that they even admitted to:Verbal, Lying in the sit:Ignored, Player disrespect:Ignored, all of my reports before during and after:Ignored.

This really put a bad taste in my mouth, because this sit really wasn't about moderation. It was about getting me.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: https://youtu.be/YVgWv25D9M4

Ignore my horrible aim.

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Hello, RoyGeeBiv

I don't understand how nocliping towards a rooftop is "happy" there was a ticket requested from "Bluewaffle" stating "RDA in spawn" I asked why you had orginally attempted to make the arrest and you explained that the players were shooting one another. I had explained in the video evidence that it's not right to shoot another player even if it's his friend and it's not right to run into spawn to avoid being arrested. In the video evidence you see me checking !blogs and !party I had exited blogs and told Bluewaffle to stop and he continued being toxic. During the sit I was telling them at the time it not right for the actions they were doing. In !party it showed that they were in a party together so there was no damage taken to be RDM. When I said the sit was over and returned you is because I didn't want the players to  harass you because you did nothing wrong. After I returned you I had explained to "Bluewaffle" and "F**kboyrdee" that as a terrorist and theif they could not be in a party together because of the job roles can not be in a party together they then changed jobs to follow the rules. I had also explained to "Bluewaffle" that he broke a rule on behalf of failrp from him running into spawn to avoid arrest. I verbually explained to both of them that it's not right even if you are going to get something from the bank even if the police officer witness you shooting another player. I told them there is many other banks on the map that are assessable and not just the ones in spawn. The only ticket you made in the video was "Would wait the 30 seconds to bring me and let me deal with the pd raid." I wasn't out to get you during the sit, if I was I would of just warned you and sent you on your way. But I didn't you explained what happen and I made the decision to return you because again you did nothing wrong. In this situation I used my best judgement to handle the problem. 

I would like to bring up on how toxic and   unprofessional you were acting towards one of the staff memeber from the other day. 

Explanation of why RoyGeeBiv posted the video in #chat via discord.
(Lonely the smoke god had claimed a ticket from "PR BUBBA" calming he was RDA by "RoyGeeBiv" In the sit BUBBA had said he didn't hear that he had been weapon checked and was randomly arrested. Lonely stated he had checked Weapon check logs and nothing was showing up that he actually had weapon checked PR BUBBA. He asked me to check logs and I personally could not find or see the recent weapon check logs that he actually did weapon check PR BUBBA during the arrest. RoyGeeBiv started to flip out saying y'all ruining my roleplaying experience and I just wanna have fun. He said can you guys just warn me already so i can go back to roleplaying and tried to walk off the roof. He got really mad at us because he thought we were accusing him of lying to us. Once returned back to the roof he then said ban me for LTAP since I don't wanna deal with this anymore. We had said nicely that we are trying to figure out the situation correctly. We asked if he had video evidence and he said yeah and sent the link in game. We then argued for 5 minutes because I had told him and others that we do not accept in game links please send the link via discord which he had. In the video evidence it does show him actually weapon checking "PR BUBBA." We never gave him a warn nor did we ban him. We simply wanted to resolve the situation correctly. After looking over the video evidence we completed the sit and it was over. I had went into Blogs and took pictures of all the players he weapon checked on the server and none of them matched up. I never experience this before with the logs not showing us the correct information we needed at the time. It was all a big misunderstanding and was resolved.)

From Rice Cooker & Lolagaf they have stated sometimes on occasion weapon checked logs mess up on some players and then later find it not showing up in logs.

I didn't have a problem with you before but the way you have been acting in the past week is not acceptable and even direct message me saying stuff to me. I will no longer respond to the topic it will be all judgement from the Admins. If you would like the pictures from the other day please contact me via discord.



Edited by TEFFA
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Im sorry for all the trouble during this sit. I was confused and thought you rda'ed me because when I was near you i never heard the weapon checker noise so I called a mod. During the sit both mods looked in arrest logs and weapon checker logs. While looking in the weapon checker logs we could not find your name, and we looked for about 10 minuets just to be 100% clear that we werent missing anything because Teffa didnt want to give you a false warn. I do believe the logs glitched in a way or something because we could not find you name anywhere around the time i was arrested by you. Now during the sit you started to become very mad at us because we were taking to long and at one point you ran off the rooftop to go rp again. You were also getting mad at us because we did not want to click on your link in game, and many people do not trust ingame links of any kinds including me and teffa. Now i dont understand why you said we were "harassing" you because we did not say anything hateful to you in anyway all we did was keep you in a sit. I am truly sorry for all the trouble we caused and i hope you can forgive us. Thank you.

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"The only ticket you made in the video was "Would wait the 30 seconds to bring me and let me deal with the pd raid.""   -- Yes, that's because I'm in a sit the whole time during the video. So naturally I would not be making tickets in the video?

"In !party it showed that they were in a party together so there was no damage taken to be RDM" -- That's entirely false I have a video of them doing damage. The party must have happened later. Are you sure you checked the logs??

What did you do about them calling me a retard or a piece of shit? That's pretty obvious player disrespect, and shouldn't have any place in a sit. You stood by and let it happen.

I know for damn sure that if I was guilty I would get a warning. These guys, who admitted to rdm, failrp, player dis walked off with a stack of verbals and continued to minge later that night.



This next part is about the situation the other day. I'm not sure why you brought it up to be honest, kind of out of context. I think you just wanted to attack me personally on this one. Call me toxic, and unprofessional and distract the people reading from the report. Whatever, that's fine I guess.

When you're in discord and talking with the reporting party, I think you are naturally going to be influences by in-group favoritism to some extent. You guys grouped up on me during that whole sit. It was a real us vs them situation the whole time.

"I would like to bring up on how toxic and   unprofessional you were acting towards one of the staff memeber from the other day. " -- I don't think what I sent in that discord message was unreasonable, and I'm not sure why you're trying to make it out that way. I'm was held in a sit for nearly 30 minutes for something I didn't do. I was actively involved in rp and was having a blast. I'm not sure how I was toxic for asking to be warned and put down. I asked to leave the sit, I asked if I could disconnect. I was told that I needed to post the video. I posted the link in chat, and everyone said "I don't click links" you have to put it on discord. My phone was dead at the time which I explained, and said I needed to charge it to get the 2 factor code. So I had to literally had to charge my phone at that point, to send you guys the link, so it was definitely a pain for me to send it via discord. There's also literally infinite ways to "be safe about links" in chat. You could have easily copied the link via your in game console and pmed it to each other. This would avoid the chance of it being a scary hyperlink and it redirecting you somewhere bad. This would also let you get the same video preview you would get If I were to send it to you via discord. I suggested you do this, and was told "What's so hard about using discord?" I explained I had to charge my phone for 2 factor, and then was told "Just use your computer". At that point I face palmed.


"at one point you ran off the rooftop to go rp again."  -- When everyone had their link paranoia I suggested we just watch the video in the cinema and went that direction. I wasn't going back to RP at that point.. That was nearly 25 minutes in, there was no rp to go back to.

"RoyGeeBiv started to flip out" -- I didn't instantly flip, I did get more and more aggravated the longer I was forced to sit their and held from playing the game. I should not have been in a sit for that long, especially for something I didn't do. I think it's ridiculous to expect anyone to be ok with that...

Was it unreasonable for me to be upset that I was held in a sit, not allowed to go back to RPing with my newly found friends? 

After that half hour sit, I was so frustrated with the situation. I got off the game. I went from having a blast or a "shit load of fun" to simply just warning to get off. Obviously there is something wrong there.

I'm glad you posted my direct messages to you on discord for everyone to see. I think what I would have preferred happening to our dms was something along the lines of a reply saying "Sorry, there was an issue with the logs and we didn't realize it". After the sit, not a single person could take it upon themselves to say sorry... 

Edited by RoyGeeBiv
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Hey Roy, thank you for creating a player report! I have read it over and discussed it with TEFFA to conclude the following:

  • TEFFA states that he was helping others during the time you were making your tickets, and as a general rule, staff are allowed to selectively take tickets if they feel they are unable to be impartial with the player.
  • While staff members may allow you to finish the PD raid, it forces the reporter and the staff member to sit and wait. Staff members are not required to wait for you to complete RP events.
  • While it is rude, it is the internet, and this is DarkRP. TEFFA should of stepped in during the situation, however, this is extremely common during sits, and it appears he was investigating the sit during this time.
  • TEFFA states that, after returning you so that you can RP, he told them what they did wrong in the sit. He should have told you more information, though, such as "I will discuss these matters with them after I return you," and we went over that.
  • To avoid expanding a sit with more and more accusations, we encourage that you create a separate sit about issues, however, some mods may find it better to handle it in the original. It is up to the moderator.

I hope this clears this up. I appreciate you taking the time to help moderate our community, and I wish you well.


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