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Report on Rice Cooker


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Not Snuffles

Which staff member are you reporting: "Rice Cooker"

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Last night around 12ish, I got offline, and this morning I wake up trying to get on XenoRP, and I am banned, I check the ban portal, and I am banned by "Rice Cooker", for Mass RDM, and LTAP, around 2:45ish. I was not even online at the time, and I was banned around then. I go into a call with Rice cooker, and he tells me people were complaints that I was Mass RDMing. Keep in mind, I WAS NOT ONLINE. So he takes their WORD for it and bans me for 2 weeks. This is not acceptable, How is this ban even fair? This guy takes the word of someone, and just bans me because he believed someone that could have just been saying that because they don't like me. The only time that I remember killing a good amount of people was when I PD raided, with Liz and some other friends, but after that I went to the Cinema and watched a movie than got off. This is totally unprofessional what "Rice Cooker" did, and I am super pissed off about it. 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: I do not have any evidence for this, How would I have evidence? I had no clue I would be falsely banned. 

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Hello Not Snuffles, Thanks For Reporting.
Unfortunately I have to disagree with your summary of what happened when you contacted me regarding your ban. No time have I ever banned someone on another player's word. Like I have explained numerous times in voice calls and within our dms on discord, I always check the logs to see if there is supporting information before I issue a punishment. I will be provided screenshots of our discussion that will hopefully assist in showing what occured. 




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Also, If you looked at logs you would see that I did not mass RDM, Because I did not. I have multiple eye witness's that I was playing with all day. I do not recall killing more than 3-4 people at a time, the only time I would kill more than one person is in a PD raid, or a raid that I am doing and people are interfering, and the other times I kill people its for other RP reasons. So i'm not sure if you just don't like me and you banned me because of that or what, but I have many witness's that I did not Mass RDM. 

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I was playing on the server with Snuffles for an hour or two from around 11:00 EST to 12:30 EST, and he didn't MassRDM. There were like 6 mods on duty at one point, so if he Mass RDMed during that time, I'm sure he would've been punished. I don't know about later in the night, but earlier in the night, he 100% did not Mass RDM.

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50 minutes ago, Rice Cooker said:

There is a decent chance that I may have mistaken you with another player on the server. Unfortunately there was not enough evidence to show that was the case. Typical procedure in those instances is to submit an appeal.

It is not a decent chance. Its 100% that's what you did. 

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