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Simon04 False RDM Warn/Power Abuse


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: cog

Which staff member are you reporting: Simon04

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I came onto the server and became a hitman. During that time I was given a hit on the Mayor, and guns were illegal and I have been arrested. As I was arrested I noticed I still had a hit on Mayor, but while I was waiting to be released from jail I started doing the "cheese" in chat maybe 2 or 3 times, Simon04 was police chief and muted me, other players in the cell also done it once or more and Simon muted and even gagged them for speaking their mind. We weren't given a warning. 

Later as I was released from jail I went back to PD to finish the hit. As I hit my PD RAID binding and killed police officers I noticed I could not advert because I was muted. And I was arrested again during admin sit on the situation. I believe it was unjust warn because he had muted over a little fun from a cell.


My friend GodofRats was also arrested but with video evidence of him muting the players saying cheese with no warning ahead of time, and still as police chief.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: GodofRats Video recording of the incident.  



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Hello, Cog I just want to say I was not abusing my powers most of the people who where saying Cheese where spamming it repeatedly and it got annoying in the jail Cells the Mayor even said to stop and they wouldn't so I muted them so they could not type because it's annoying when some one spams Cheese non stop and also you raided as a Hitman which you can't start raid's only other people can and then you may say assist if your target is in there but you tried to start the raid which is not allowed I yes also did gag and mute the players in the Jail because they where spamming cheese and so I muted them and then they started Mic spamming and being very rude  so I gaged them for it also Cog you got very rude with me when I tried to talk to you and correct you about certain things and also cog there was a witness and it was Styles and Rice Cooker they asked me why I muted and gaged them and I told them the valid reason was they where Mic Spamming and Spamming Cheese in the jail cells also tho I would like to say you and you little friends Aidan,Idie and god you guys where being kinda Mingy and you 4 where breaking the rules and being rude to others which was un called for.

Edited by Simon04
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Hi cog, thank you for creating a staff report! Unfortunately, I will not be taking action against Simon. You were muted & gagged for a valid reason, and you can only assist in raids as a hitman.


Have a good day!


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