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Staff Report on Forget About It

Agent Nipplioni

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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Agent Nipplioni

Which staff member are you reporting: Forget About It Gambini

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

So Bubba and I are killing each other in the street minding our own business not shooting anyone else, most people and by most people I mean the 10-12 people including a few other mods on at the time who sat there and watched us shoot each other and did nothing and we're just watching and having fun, when we're grabbed by Forget About It and jailed. . So we ask what we did and after a long while of just silence Forget says we're being banned for Nitrp. We had no previous warning and no sit. I was given a verbal for messing around about an hour or 2 back the only warning i had the whole time i was on today, while Bubba wasn't even given the luxury of being given any sort of warning. Bubba and I we're just up and banned. Bubba and I would've gladly accepted a warn for NLR and RDM but a ban I feel is a bit strong.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: Sorry but I don't record. My Gmod runs like trash as it is.

Edited by Agent Nipplioni
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I would like to add that for the last 2 - 3 hours I was in my base with my party members which agent was a part of my party during that. After a long time our party members got off. We were getting bored so we decoded to have fun the old fashion xeno way which was to mess around with each other. So we started killing each other. I saw forget about it moving around I little while we were messing around then I saw him standing the street. I thought he was watching us or something but then he goes mod on dirt and jails me and agent. After about 5 minutes of silence he says we are being banned for nitrp and said he warned us to stop before. I have no memory of him telling us to stop at anytime. As I said we were in a party for about 1 hour so it couldn’t of been at that time. And while we were having fun he also didn’t tell us to stop or give any warning. Now I don’t think we were causing any trouble as everyone around us was laughing and enjoying what we were doing and I say forget about it standing there so I thought he didn’t mind. Now I understand this wasnt the best idea and I understand some mods don’t like the idea of two people killing each other, but I mean the mod in the situation did not warn me at any point in time. If I was told that we were causing trouble I would of stopped immediately. I also believe the punishment is a too excessive for what the problem was. I believe we should of atleast gottem a warning. After we were giving a verbal of some sort, if I were the mod here I would of followed the more common staff procedure which would be a verbal warning, then a warn , then a ban, not just straight to a ban with no warning. Thank you for reading our report and hope to hear from you soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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I did speak with you both about your actions. I warned you verbally that it was considered No Intent To Roleplay, which results in a ban. I personally feel that you were informed properly and the fact that you made that decision to continue, after being told what your punishment would be, should result in the punishment that comes along with your actions. You joined a roleplay server and decided to use it for deathmatch as you wished. This is a form of No Intent To Roleplay. The silence was me discussing with other staff members how I should issue punishments. I felt confident in my decision, and double checked with my higher ups that were online at the time to make sure I was handling the situation properly. I appreciate the report and I can understand where you may think that I was too harsh. Someone may correct me if I am wrong but we do not apply warns for NITRP. The punishment is a 5 day ban.

Thank you for the report and taking the time to read my response.


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5 hours ago, Remuchu | Twitch said:

I did speak with you both about your actions. I warned you verbally that it was considered No Intent To Roleplay, which results in a ban. I personally feel that you were informed properly and the fact that you made that decision to continue, after being told what your punishment would be, should result in the punishment that comes along with your actions. You joined a roleplay server and decided to use it for deathmatch as you wished. This is a form of No Intent To Roleplay. The silence was me discussing with other staff members how I should issue punishments. I felt confident in my decision, and double checked with my higher ups that were online at the time to make sure I was handling the situation properly. I appreciate the report and I can understand where you may think that I was too harsh. Someone may correct me if I am wrong but we do not apply warns for NITRP. The punishment is a 5 day ban.

Thank you for the report and taking the time to read my response.


You say you warned us but both Bubba and I don’t remember hearing any verbal warning. Like I said the only one I had gotten was 1-2 hours before this situation. If you did verbally warn us then you did it entirely wrong. You’re supposed to bring us to a sit and tell us that we were causing trouble not just say it out loud or in chat as in the moment nobody would’ve heard you and as we see nobody did hear you.

Edited by Agent Nipplioni
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When did you verbally warn us? I didn’t know you where on until this happened. I also didn’t hear anything about a punishment time or anything either. Like I said we were in a party for as long as agent got on so I don’t know how we were doing anything before hand.

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I do personally recall giving you a verbal warning, as I always do before just banning someone for NITRP. I have seen many of players get banned for NITRP without any verbal warning. So I take it upon myself to let the person know. Normally I always pull the person to the side and let them know that what they are doing can result in punishment. If they fail to head that warning, that is not my fault. I do not keep a book of when I warn people verbally, I feel that shouldn't be necessary. I was confident in my decision, and therefor acted upon it.



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