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My staff report against Snowy Remuchu


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Grateful Be1ial

Which staff member are you reporting: Snowy Remuchu

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: He came up to us telling us camera's aren't allowed on the sidewalk as Hobo's. Secondly, He also did FailRP as placing a hit as CP member 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: 
1rst video is him placing the hit 
2nd video was him telling us that the camera's are not allowed 


Edited by Be1ial
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Yes I did place a hit as CP, forgetting what role I was. The hitman reminded me that I was CP and I apologized and he denied the hit for me.
Also, rule 11 under "Bases & Structures" states "All cameras must be physically within or attached to the walls of a base, not floating outside."
I have nothing more to add, if an admin needs any more information on this situation they are free to contact me.

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Hello be1ial, Firstly I would like to start off with the hitman video. I've talked to rem about the situation and this is what he's said "I forgot I was a CP because discord was hectic, Jeck reminded me that CP couldn't place hits so I asked him to deny it for me." this seems like a mistake and I can understand where he is coming from. Secondly addressing the rule confusion about hobo's not being able to have a camera because it's "not attached to a base" now I don't understand where this confusion comes from because hobo's clearly don't own a 'base" the same way criminal/citizen classes do but I guess it happens. Remuchu should've asked another admin/mod before going through with this if there's a chance there could be confusion. I apologize on his behalf for this mistake. I will talk to Remuchu in more depth about this in dm's. Feel free to message me on discord if you have any questions/concerns. Lastly I would like to ask that if you cheef bubba baqqo rem andy and I would be willing to sit down in a chat and discuss why there is discomfort between and hopefully we can figure this all out.

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