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what the flip


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bro what in gods name did you just ban me for on jhad most of your 8 man group was rdming u flippin flop. maybe you should go outside to see the sun because all of the power is flowing to your head. @ripple

no kizzy capper i was on for 10 minutes and no bs i saw like 15 rdm's from people in yo group and ya let is slide you fool dont make me go ape mode on you next time i see you on god bruddah


Edited by jEK
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so you joined, and we had a party going w/ a megabase to the left of spawn. We just chilled out and killed anyone who entered the megabase, like usual. You left the party, and stood outside the megabase with an svu and headshot almost all 6 of us. You never raided, adverted anything, nothing. I'm not sure what you expected. Like bubba said, we weren't rdming.

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whatever you say big man ripple, i killed only 3 of you and made sure it was people in the party so that they wouldn't get butthurt, but you should take my advice and get some fresh air outside before all that power makes you go kaboom. also some people in your party did infact RDM so dont be a lyer lyer pants on fire my friend

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you're the only white knight moderator that gets mad when I kill you, the first thing I did when I got on was kill one of my friends who was on my CC and he didn't care, its fine that i got banned i deserved it but don't act all buddy buddy with me and then when I do something to mess around and troll when some of ya'll were doing the same thing, you turn on your all mighty power hungry mode and ban me :classic_sad:

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