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Staff report.


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Your In-Game (RP) Name:


Which staff member are you reporting:


Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

I punched my brother and one of my friends on the server. No one made a ticket on me but Remuchu immediately tp jailed me. As soon as I got tped I typed in chat that I did not have my sound on. So he/she could type it to me or wait a few seconds so I can get my sound on. But he banned me before I was able to turn my sound on.  

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

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Just to clear up your claim about not being told in chat that you were being banned. You never said you were turning it on, only said that you had none.

Now to address the report. You were repeatedly punching people with no roleplay based reason. With consent or not this is not allowed and I must treat it as I would if you were strangers. You then proceeded to attempt to call me names and yell over your brothers microphone ingame. I went out of my way and told you your punishment in text chat to make sure you knew.

Thank you for your time.

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2 minutes ago, Remuchu said:

Just to clear up your claim about not being told in chat that you were being banned. You never said you were turning it on, only said that you had none.

Now to address the report. You were repeatedly punching people with no roleplay based reason. With consent or not this is not allowed and I must treat it as I would if you were strangers. You then proceeded to attempt to call me names and yell over your brothers microphone ingame. I went out of my way and told you your punishment in text chat to make sure you knew.

Thank you for your time.

The discord was after the ban. Also "Dragon you are being banned for Mass attempted RDM" is not explaining to me why I was being banned. Also I did say after that "hold on" I then tried turning it on but you did not allow me time to do so. Why was I singled out for something 90% of the server does. Even the staff members. 

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15 minutes ago, Remuchu said:

Anyone seen doing such actions will be punished as they are found, I suggest you make a report on the staff members you claim are going around punching people with no roleplay based reason.

As per reference, my brother just got randomly shot and 2 hobos (or other people not sure if they were exactly hobos)  were punching people. Remuchu is on duty at the time just ignoring it. He was off duty when mine occurred. But he did nothing to the hobos and the guy shooting people.  

Edited by Dragon
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I did not see such things happen, I was on duty and away from my keyboard for a few minutes, then I switched to paramedic and jumped off of Cody's head into a part of a base. Then you came up, punched him and got killed, within two minutes you came back and punched him and another player making that 3 counts of attempted RDM.

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1 minute ago, Remuchu said:

I did not see such things happen, I was on duty and away from my keyboard for a few minutes, then I switched to paramedic and jumped off of Cody's head into a part of a base. Then you came up, punched him and got killed, within two minutes you came back and punched him and another player making that 3 counts of attempted RDM.

AkaCody getting shot was after and he had to make a sit to get it addressed. While you were on duty.

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Hello dragon, Thank you for the report. I've gone over the situation and checked logs myself to see what happened. You first shot akacody to which he shot and killed you then you came back and broke nlr and punched him and then got killed you then punched makkay, This is indeed AMRDM since you had clear intent to kill. I will not be reprimanding remuchu I will include a screenshot of chat logs as well from the sit. I do not believe any actions of remuchu's were incorrect. If you wish you can appeal at xenorp.com/bans. Have a nice night.



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