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Staple - Trial Mod


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: 


Which staff member are you reporting:


Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior:

I was brought to a sit because I had RDMed someone, obviously which I admitted to, and then I was told to change my name by Staple. I argued with him because there's nothing wrong with my name that prevents any staff from executing commands on me, which I know of because I've been brought to numerous admin sits in the past. I've also been a trial mod on the server, and was never told to change my name even then. I've had numerous conversations with staff members and none have ever once asked me to change my name. I was then banned for 5 days, due to Minging and NITRP. However, I wasn't even minging on the server. I spent most of my time inside of the Church of Crime or just doing nothing, and was literally a citizen, so I wasn't even really roleplaying besides listening to the mass. 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

I recorded from the middle on of the admin sit, but my voice wasn't recorded and Staple was saying nothing. But, my film does show me typing in chat trying to explain that my username wasn't connected to the little squiggles next to it. It most likely will be of no help to my claim, but I'll put it anyway. 

Video Evidence - please leave a comment below this if you'd prefer me to upload it to YouTube or something else.

** File size was too big for me to upload so I put it on a upload link. File link expire in a week from posting. I'll put my ban screen to compensate.

Garry's Mod (x64) 3_7_2021 10_45_48 PM.png

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Hey Juice,

             First off, as I have a good clip recording software called shadowplay, I have the video of my entire time on the server and can garuntee and prove that you did not admit to the RDM. 

             Next, you did not get banned solely for the RDM, nor for you name, in fact, you should be lucky I didn't ban you for mass RDM, as you were, as a citizen, sitting in a base mowing down people for a kos sign that was against the rules.

             As you so helpfully pointed out for me, and I quote, "so I wasn't even really roleplaying" is quite literally the definition of NITRP, so thank you for that. On top of that however, you were also minging, along with your group of friends. I have the logs showing all the kills you performed as citizen in that base, along with the base itself, not to mention all of the other mingey things you were doing.


I know this must be hard to understand as someone who was only a T-mod in the past, but coming from me, someone who has staffed on this server for 2+ years, and this being my 2302nd ticket, I can assure you that you were justly banned.


Thank you

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28 minutes ago, Staple said:

Hey Juice,

             First off, as I have a good clip recording software called shadowplay, I have the video of my entire time on the server and can garuntee and prove that you did not admit to the RDM. 

             Next, you did not get banned solely for the RDM, nor for you name, in fact, you should be lucky I didn't ban you for mass RDM, as you were, as a citizen, sitting in a base mowing down people for a kos sign that was against the rules.

             As you so helpfully pointed out for me, and I quote, "so I wasn't even really roleplaying" is quite literally the definition of NITRP, so thank you for that. On top of that however, you were also minging, along with your group of friends. I have the logs showing all the kills you performed as citizen in that base, along with the base itself, not to mention all of the other mingey things you were doing.


I know this must be hard to understand as someone who was only a T-mod in the past, but coming from me, someone who has staffed on this server for 2+ years, and this being my 2302nd ticket, I can assure you that you were justly banned.


Thank you

Maybe if you looked at logs you’d notice that “gg man” was actually minging, and I was literally defending myself when I killed him. And I did admit to RDMing him on the slide, I said that his party member shot at me after and I killed him then Stealthh killed me for killing his party member. I wasn’t even involved with the Church Of Crime and their KOS sign, so maybe before you pin it all onto me, you realize that being inside the building, doesn’t automatically place me with them. I had killed no one besides gg man and he never even opened a ticket regarding this. I had only killed Stealthh for no reason, then killed his party member within reason.

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I saw the logs, I saw all of the kills against that guy, that’s not what I was talking about, I was talking about the other kills that were involved in that sit. However, me mentioning that in my response to you was only because you brought it up. The reason you were banned as you can see was minge and NITRP, because you along with the group inside there were minging, even after i told you along with them to chill with the minge a bunch.

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9 minutes ago, Staple said:

I saw the logs, I saw all of the kills against that guy, that’s not what I was talking about, I was talking about the other kills that were involved in that sit. However, me mentioning that in my response to you was only because you brought it up. The reason you were banned as you can see was minge and NITRP, because you along with the group inside there were minging, even after i told you along with them to chill with the minge a bunch.

Well, unfortunately enough, you didn’t tell me to chill out with the minging, because I wasn’t involved with the minging. I had nothing to do with the Church of Crime, I was a mere citizen there to partake in the mass. At no point was I involved in the whole KOS sign ordeal, what me and gg man were doing had no connection to the situation at all. I didn’t kill gg man because of the KOS, I killed him because he had mass rdmed the entire church prior.

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