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Report on Chilled, Nikolas, and Grey.


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Dak

Which staff member are you reporting: Chilled, Nikolas, and Grey.

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: So, this is what happened; I was a mayor doing my mayorly duties and decided to add the joke law "Chilled and nikolas are racist" Obviously not being serious. I don't think those 2 individuals are racist in any fashion, but it was a joke law. I get brought to a sit and am told to remove the laws. I asked why multiple times and they said it's targeting. They directed towards rule 9 under mayor rules in the MOTD which states: "The Mayor can only make laws affecting all players. Not specific players or groups." This law does not weigh in to this specific situation because neither parties were affected in any way roleplay wise. The law did not call out for them to be arrested on sight, or to be killed on sight. There is no targeting involved in this law I made, and I think that it is beyond stupid that you can't have joke laws that dont affect anyone roleplay wise. I think the people on the server are smart enough to know I don't actually think these two individuals are racist, but for some reason they still wanted it removed. The 2nd time they brought me to a sit and asked me to remove the law, and I didn't, I was forcefully demoted. I have made many joke laws about moderators who have not even given the law a second glance. Some of these moderators are Juarez, Askio, Demonic, Moo. I even made one for Zyngas. Not a single one of them cared. I just think it's ridiculous that these moderators got so infuriated at the fact that they were jokingly called racist that they had to force demote me.



Edit: Grey ties in because he is the one who did the demoting

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:


Edited by Dak
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Hi Dak, 

I wasn't infuriated at all, It was as simple as me telling you many times to remove the laws. I think it's ridiculous It's gotten to this point; at the time of you putting the law up I was literally afk and had no idea about it until I came back and heard Chilled talking about it.  

I think it's pretty clear why you were demoted, after the laws were reset you literally put them up again after being told to remove them several times.

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5 minutes ago, nikolas said:

I think it's pretty clear why you were demoted, after the laws were reset you literally put them up again after being told to remove them several times.

I never received a valid reason as to why these laws are illegal. After they were changed i set it to something along the lines of "chilled and nikolas are bad staff" or something like that. The rule you pointed to indicates that a law cannot *affect* a certian individual. It might just be a hole in the MOTD, but I don't believe you were affected in any fashion.

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I agree with Nik about how it is clear why you were demoted, We brought you and asked for the law to be removed due to it Targeting Nik and I, Grey Nik and I also told you multiple different times to not add the law again after clearing the law, Grey had mentioned to you that if you add the law again you will be demoted, you proceeded to add the law again and be demoted as said

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Hi Dak, 

 you were demoted after being warned twice to remove the law and after refusal the laws were reset which happened twice, third time you were brought and force demoted as the second time you were told was going to happen if you proceeded to add the law again. This goes past a point of joking when they had told you it bothered them and I doubt it was only 'a joke' since the third law you had put that they were horrible staff members as the third time law. All you did throughout this time was target harass them with laws and which case breaks general rules 1 and 3. You were given multiple chances and pushed our hands away to force a demote to be done. To add insult to injury afterwards all you would do is call the mods incompetent and as stated in your own screenshot "man these new mods are shit bro".

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Hi Dak, thank you for creating a staff report!


Unfortunately, I will not be taking action as the moderators acted correctly in removing the non-RP law. While some staff members may not take the time to have you remove it, it is against the rules, and you must comply if requested.


Have a great day!


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