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The Parasite of XenoRP: Staff Report Against Remuchu


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: yespapa

Which staff member are you reporting: Remuchu 

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: 

Remuchu has countless times shown petty, and biased behavior against players on the server. Sources also tell me that he was warned in game as a staff member for NLR. This is a simple rule that a senior mod should be fully aware of. I had misclicked a keybind that stated “Remuchu kisses boys,” he proceeded to tell me that if it happened again, I would be warned for harassment. Another player was defending Remuchu for other things I was saying against him. So, I was the bigger person and typed “/advert [PLAYER] kisses boys” as well. After that, Remuchu decided to warn me for both harassment, and disrespect. To my knowledge, as a staff member, you are not supposed to warn people for disrespect. As well, I was warned for harassment towards a staff member. Also to my knowledge, staff dis isn’t a thing. Without muting or gagging me, he decided to warn me right away. And if advertising one line against a person is harassment, I think I should be reinformed of the XenoRP motd. It was not a death threat or racial slur. I personally think both warnings were uncalled for. At most, I should’ve received one warning for a false advert. 

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:


Edited by yespapa
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Hello Yespapa. After looking into the report I will be removing your disrespect warn but I will not be removing the harassment warn. If you have any further questions feel free to dm me !Kil!#6321. Handled.

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