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Crash7696's Trial-Moderator Application


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a1) What is your in-game (RP) name?


a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile.

https://steamcommunity.com/id/Crash7696/  (If this link doesn't work please contact me, I've had issues where people can't use custom Steam url's in the past)

a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234)


a4) What timezone are you located in?

Eastern Standard Time

a5) How many in-game warns do you have?

I now have 1 warn in-game. (edit)

a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why?

I have not gotten banned in XenoRP, however I have gotten banned from different servers for joining expecting the same rules server-wide. A good example of this would be when I first started getting into DarkRP. I always thought that verbal warnings were suitable because the first server I have ever joined was very chaotic and didn't really have any written rules.

a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where?

I do have prior staffing experience on a few occasions.The first server I ever moderated was a simple DarkRP server that was fairly new and was desperately looking for staff. This introduced me into the moderation aspect of Gmod. I believe that server was called YggRP or something along the lines of that, however, I don't believe that server is running anymore. The other occasion was on another DarkRP server, (average population was around 35) which I unfortunately cannot recall the name, but I have gained most of my in-depth moderation skill through this period of my life.

*note these moderation periods were not recent, things could have changed*

Please answer these questions with your honest opinion.

b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP?

I want to volunteer for XenoRP because it has been quite some time since my last moderation of a server, and I've been recently having an urge to get back into it. Also, this has been one of the few DarkRP servers that I can honestly say has been extremely enjoyable and fun to play on.

b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator?

If I were to get accepted, I believe that my prior knowledge on how to moderate would be a large role into how I look to others; I believe that I have a natural ability to lead in many situations, and talking to/leading others has never been a problem to me. Also, I am personally the type of moderator that understands that these are people that are trying to enjoy their stay, so I would actively try to participate in many events or simply make friends while moderating/playing.

Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions:

c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished.

RDM is an abbreviation of "Random Death Match," which could be defined as any circumstance in which a player kills another player without any solid reason/justice as to why they would do such an action.

      - Let's say that some player joins the server, and blatantly kills others just for the joy of doing so, that would be the most obvious form of RDM. A more complicated form of RDM would be if a player kills another by stretching the role of certain jobs. For example, if a Hitman were to abuse the fact that he is commonly known to kill, and does so without actually having a hit on any player, that could also be considered RDM. When regarding punishment for these actions, one would first receive a warning, then another (given this is not in rapid succession), and then they would finally receive some sort of ban, either being temporary or permanent based on the severity of their actions.


RDA is an abbreviation of "Random Arrest," which is defined as any circumstance in which a player arrests another without any explanation/reason behind it.

       -An example of how this violation would apply would be if one player were to run around arresting people simply because they feel they are required to do so, completely disregarding any laws/rules in place at the time. When looking at punishment, I would personally talk it out with them first to see if they simply did not understand the rule, and most likely give them a verbal warning, then give them warnings depending on whether this is a common occurrence, and finally, I would start to look into temporary/permanent bans.

c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated.

NLR is an abbreviation of "New Life Rule," and it can be defined as any circumstance in which a player fails to abide by the set NLR rules. These rules include: You may not enter an area in which you have been killed within 2 minutes of the death. Another rule would be how you are obliged to forget any past knowledge in the previous life, meaning you cannot hold grudges/anything of the sort.

      -An example of how NLR could be broken is if one player were to die in a raid, they cannot return to that raid until it has completed entirely. Another example of how NLR could be broken would be if one player were to die in, let's say the PD, they cannot actively participate in any event near there as the same character within the countdown. One final example would be if a player were to violate the "past knowledge" rule. In depth, if the player were to die from any means, they cannot retain that information and retaliate with any damage/knowledge based on that death.

c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence.

Metagame refers to the term that is used to explain certain situations that would not be accurate in a real-life scenario. In other words, it could be interpreted as any action/event that would technically not be possible in that certain situation.

       -An example of how metagame could be abused is if a player were to use outside information from real-world sources that their character would not know by default. Another example would be if a player were to simply defy many obvious natural laws that could not be done in real-life. (ie: sitting in a burning car/entrapping themselves with props in order to avoid damage.) One final example of a player abusing metagame would be if a player were to see their friend get killed in the feed, which they were not present to be aware of such an event, they could not actively try and counter/hunt that person down in order to enact "revenge."

Please explain how you would handle each of these situations:

d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react?

Personally, I would attempt to contact a higher power to suppress the situation, and, if no action could be done immediately, I would try and log as much information as I could and report them to the forums.

d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation?

In this situation, I would try to reach out to another moderator to see if they could handle the situation faster, and if not, I would jail the Mass RDMer as soon as possible, and proceed with my current sit. Once the current sit was completed, I would immediately start another sit with the RDMer and take action from there.

d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets.

Honestly, since I am a person that loves to participate in whatever is going on around me, and since I would definitely understand that they are trying to have as much fun with such a shortage of things to do, I wouldn't be extremely harsh on them. I would probably go up to them and explain that I'm not going to take drastic action towards the situation, and most likely tell them to keep it as minimal as they can, avoiding the road as much as they can. (Point being to avoid possible mass griefing/lag) I will however, tell them that once people start joining, for them to either switch to hobo, or to clean up their mess. Now, if they fail to cooperate with those standards, I would then start to initiate possible punishment.


*I would like to note that I am still a student in high school, so I may not be available 24/7

Edited by Crash7696
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Hi Crash, thank you for making an application! You did an excellent job!

Don't worry about not being available 24/7. Many of our staff members are students, so we understand. We don't require you to be on at any time of the day and only request that you receive 50 tickets in a week, which can be negated with an absence in the case that you are too busy (Vacation, big test, studying, etc).

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