|>LN<| Halo Posted November 15, 2019 Share Posted November 15, 2019 a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? My in-game name is "|>LN<| Halo" a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996996430/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Halo420#8609 (I have no issues setting a nickname if this name is not suitable, I just went with something super quick when I made my discord account) a4) What timezone are you located in? I am located in Eastern Standard a5) How many in-game warns do you have? I have no in-game warnings a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? I have never been banned. a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I have a plethora of experience as being a member of staff in Garry's Mod and a number of other games, such as Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Rust, and Reign of Kings. I was a member of staff for three different servers. The first being a DayZ Overpoch server. The second being an Island Life roleplay server, in which I was a helper on (Helper was the lowest rank of staff, similar to Trial Moderator in Garry's Mod). The third being another Island Life roleplay server that I was "Staff Supervisor" which was similar to Superadmin or co-owner, as I was in charge of making the staff applications, and I had say on every staff application that was posted. The Rust server and Reign of Kings server I was staff on were both hosted by a friend, and we had a decent population going for a while, but my friend that was hosting the server could no longer do so due to real life events. Most of my staffing experience comes from Garry's Mod by far though. I have been many different ranks on many different servers, from Trial moderator to Co-owner. I have been told by every server owner I have ever worked for that they liked how I handled situations, and told me that I had good judgement when it comes to how to handle things. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I want to volunteer for XenoRP because I feel like I can put my experience as a staff member to good use. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I feel that I would be a good moderator because I have a lot of experience as a staff member in Garry's Mod. I have dealt with many different scenarios under many different circumstances. I have used a variety of different tools to appropriately handle a variety of situations, and I have never been demoted or removed from any staff team. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM stands for Random Death Match, which is when one player kills another (sometimes multiple others) without a valid RP reason. RDA stands for Random Arrest, which is when a police officer or other law enforcement member arrests another player (or multiple others) without a valid RP reason. What I would normally do in an RDM case, is I would separate the victim and the defendant, and I would ask each of them what happened. I would decipher based on how each person tells their story which one I believe is telling the truth. For this example, I am going to say that I believe the victim is telling the truth. I would (assuming there is some sort of way to keep track of how many warnings a player has) check what warnings the defendant. I would then ask the victim what they lost, and I would then have the defendant reimburse the victim either the items they lost, or the monetary value the items the victim lost. I would then check the defendants background before punishing them. If they have no prior warnings for RDM, I would give them a warning/jailing, if they have prior warnings, I would kick/ban the player according to how many prior warnings or punishments they already have. I would use the same general method when handling an RDA case. I would talk to the victim and defendant separately, and, for this example lets again say that I believe the victim, I would immediately release the victim, and ask them what they lost. If they lost anything, I would make the defendant reimburse the victim for what they lost. I would again check to see if the defendant has any prior warnings or punishments, and then I would punish them accordingly. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR stands for New Life Rule. New Life Rule is the concept in which when you die, you are a new person, and have no knowledge of what lead to your previous characters life. One example a player breaking NLR is, lets say I am raiding someone. I break in, I shoot the owner of the place and kill him, and while I am looting his things, he comes back and kills me. Another example would be, lets say I am playing as law enforcement, and I am raiding a suspects house because they have printers. Lets say I go inside and he kills me during the raid, and I come back and continue to fight (Though some servers actually allow this to happen in the sense that real life police departments have more than 4-6 officers to work with). c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagame, at least in Garry's Mod, is when someone uses information that was given in an Out of character way, such as /ooc, or even overhearing information from an admin situation. One example would be, lets say someone in /ooc is asking questions about money printers, and that I am playing as law enforcement. If I were to find where that player is basing, and raid him with the reason "suspicion of owning printers", that would be considered Metagaming because of how I learned that he had printers. Another example would be, lets say I was playing as a criminal, and I overheard someone mention printers in an admin sit. If I were to go and raid the person I heard talking about printers, that would be an example of metagaming, because I wasn't supposed to have that information. That information was acquired in a non-roleplay sense. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I would gather as much evidence or proof of them abusing their power as I can, as well as their name and Steam ID. (evidence such as screenshots and video proof) I would then take it up with that staff members higher up in order to follow the chain of command. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would immediately jail the person mass RDMing. I would finish the situation that I was already involved in, and then I would deal with the mass RDMer accordingly. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. If there were only two other players online and they were building in the streets, as long as they weren't blocking things off and making it hard or impossible for any new people that join to play and have fun, I would let it slide, as its not harming anyone. I would also inform them that just because I let them, does not mean any other member of staff has to or will let them as well. If too many other people start joining, I would more than likely ask them stop building in the streets, and to stick to sidewalks while playing as the Hobo job, or to not build on the sidewalks either. Link to comment
Salen Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 Very nice application; it's highly detailed and organized. It seems you don't cause trouble when you're on, as proven by your lack of warns/bans. Despite this, I haven't seen you on at all. Be more active and you'll have my vote. Overall Rating: Neutral leaning towards +1 Link to comment
Patrick Star Posted November 16, 2019 Share Posted November 16, 2019 Suspended Please remain active for the next week and we will reconsider your application (Mods feel free to reply to this application) Link to comment
Saddy Posted November 23, 2019 Share Posted November 23, 2019 Denied Haven't seen Reapply in two weeks Link to comment
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