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Cxdy Staff Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Heidi

Which staff member are you reporting: Cxdy

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Flying in the streets, moving around in RP areas. He was just sitting there, not AFK. He should be staying in the admin sit areas.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

(Images Below: Shows him sitting in street with my cursor over showing his name)




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I was floating well above the streets to watch if anything happens between players during their roleplay experience. I do not engage in anyone that talks to me or I will move away if I am bothering anyone in that area. Regarding me standing next to the meth cook and thief, the meth cook had made a ticket asking for help with how to make meth so I walked over to his base to guide him through making meth as a meth cook. 👍

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If he is helping someone thats fine. Also we dont make it mandatory they stay on roof tops and not move. They can move around up top, just not interfering with rp. Seems like he was high enough and away from people when he was waiting for tickets. I would not classify this as interfering with RP in anyway. However i will talk with him to make sure he knows to avoid rp areas when MOD.

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