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Staff Report


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Cyka Blyat 2 u

Which staff member are you reporting: Greg

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: Gave 4 batman's a mega base and allowed them to use the base and party. I brought it up with him and he teleported to the base owner (Earl, as seen in the video) but their party still consisted of Batmans even though the party owner switched to thief. This moderator didn't even bother to bring me to a roof or let me know that the situation has been dealt with. Instead, he teleported to the player and never reported back to me. I do not wish for the players to be punished but I thought it would be a good idea to report this since this is one of the most basic rules.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: 


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I was handling about 50 tickets at the time. I went to the guys who I knew were batman and asked them to switch their jobs and if they did. Sorry some batmans happened to exist in the party later than that if that is even the case. I didn't bring you to a roof top because I was busy. That's all. Sorry for the inconvenience. 

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Point is, the mega base shouldn't have been approved in the first place. Not to mention but when I showed the player list it showed multiple other mods on so your work load could not have been that excessive. 

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yeah, I recognized that mistake. I honestly didn't feel it was that big of an issue when it was fixed especially. I kind of wish you decided to try to talk to me instead. I appreciate your enthusiasm to help keep the mods just and amazing, but I do a lot to help. Noticing from past reports, I feel as though you're more out to pinpoint things like this without any real concern for how the server is being upkept. 

Please try to talk to me in the future first if you genuinely feel like I made a mistake. There was 0 ill intent in what I did.


Oh, and about the workload. Just because staff are online or in mod on duty jobs really doesn't mean much when tickets aren't being handled. I understand where you're coming from with that, but the deal is, it's not always fine and dandy.

Edited by Greg
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Well my friend since you really want to be a bit aggressive I guess ill just keep typing. You have no right to judge me based off of one staff report that I made so when you say "past reports", you're wrong, as I've only made one report prior to this one. And this is quite a big deal, a T-MOD who claims to have all types of experience fails to read the most simple rules about Batman (there are literally like 4 rules that fall under the batman section). You also allowed them to block off 1/4 of the map so yeah its quite bigger than you think my friend. I do not FEEL like you made a mistake, I KNOW you made one, so please stop writing as if you're the victim here. As for the amount of tickets you've taken, like I said there were multiple other moderators on who could have taken the tickets and if they weren't, well then I guess they should get off duty since the "MOD" job is for..... Mods on duty, that being said, you CHOSE to handle my ticket so you should handle it thoroughly and efficiently, instead of teleporting away from me and not doing anything else. 


That is all.

Edited by jEK
Fixed words
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"yeah, I recognized that mistake."

First of all, I want to mention, I treat EVERY situation I am in ingame with as much respect and attention as can. I compromise and act lenient towards everyone who treats me with the same respect. 

I'm not being aggressive, I'm just stating the facts lol. I told you how I felt because I was being considerate towards your feelings while trying to explain my situation. I'm glad you have this perceived notion that making sure some batmans switched their jobs is more important than dealing with people rdming and rdaing each other, but if you're going to be hypocritical (experience), I am not going to respond to you anymore until this is dealt with. I made a mistake and handled it.  

Edited by Greg
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