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Report on Derpza and Zooted


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Pizzaman

Which staff member are you reporting: Derpza and Zooted

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: They constantly use commands and powers off duty for personal gains and some staff duties ( where i'm staff this is so not allowed). They dont take sits because they are Rping and " whats someone gonna do about it" is constantly thrown in our faces. They get away with RDM again because " whos gonna do something about it". They will allow there friends to prop minge and build props wherever to enjoy their own RP, while normal RPers are scared to do anything in fear of being yelled at with not conversation, warned, and sent away. If you are lucky enough to get called to a sit with one of these mods you are greeted with a physgun waving you around and some child screaming at you only to tell you to shut up, they wont check logs and boom your way. Maybe a new training course could help with these problems or more strict actions against them because they seem to have no fear anything will happen to them. Thank you.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

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I don't remember any incidents with you, I don't believe that I ever role played with you at all, or had any sits with you I warned you once for homophobia and you got a six hour ban for having too many active warns. I never rdm'd anyone, if I ever killed you, it was probably for you either being in my base or harming a party member. One of my friends was prop minging and I told him to stop, and he did, so I didn't warn him, cause he didn't do it again. In my sits I will talk out why you get warned, and I wont yell at you. I always check logs in my sits and make sure to be polite and unbiased.


If you have any evidence of this, post it, or this will not go your way.

this isn't me threatening you, this is just me letting you know

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The one time I warned you because you destroyed my party members car without adverting carjack. Also I did not RDM anyone if I kill a player its for a valid RP reason. Our friend was prop minging but he stopped, so he didn't get warned. When in my sits I check logs first to make sure the sit isn't false before i tp the player that antagonized the situation then i will let them both talk to get both sides of the story. Then proceed to let them know what they did wrong, why they are receiving a warning, and how they can avoid getting another warning. I will not yell at you and will always check logs, make sure to polite and unbiased, and warn players for valid reasons and if i don't have enough evidence I will drop the sit. 

Please if you have any evidence of this, upload it so i can see it.

Edited by SirZootedツ
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