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Mod application

Zug zug

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a1) What is your in-game (RP) name: Outermunford

a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile:https://steamcommunity.com/id/outermumford/

a3) What is your Discord Tag:  my discord info Is Outermunford#4093

a4) What timezone are you located in: PST

a5) How many in-game warns do you have: I have 0 in game warns

a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why: I have been banned once and that was for RDM I think i can't remember 

a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where: i was a mod along time ago for Xeno rp, And i was also a admin on a server called ratatouille the man that ran the server goes by gaberial you know him.

b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP: I wanna be a mod cause games these days are dying. so when i came back to Gmod i really liked it and i thought to myself hmm maybe i should apply for Xeno again I told them I would go back to the team during summer. that was 3 summers ago. and i also miss playing on this server I really did enjoy playing it.

b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator: I think I would fir in well mainly because I've already staffed on this server before I know how tickets work I know how commands work and most importantly I love to talk to people and make new friends.

c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished: Well RDM stands for Random Death Match when player 1 kills player 2 without a valid RP reason. I would treat this by warning the person for RDMx1 and i would jail player 1 for 60 seconds to make them think about what they did. Now RDA this stands for Random Arrest when a CP/Cop arrest a player for no RP reason. I would treat this with a want RDAx1 and i would jail them for 60 seconts.

c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violate: Now NLR stands for New Life Rule, basically if player 1 is raiding player 2, player 1 kills player 2, then player 2 decides to come back to the raid and then kill player 1, he would be commenting NLR i would treat him with the same punishment, jail for 60 seconds plus a warn for NLR

c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence: Meta gaming is when someone gives information about a player over discord,Skype etc and he would tell him the location, what is happening, and where he is taking them. I would warn both players that did it, and I would jail them for 100 seconds. An example would be player 1 is getting kidnapped he would tell player 2 where this person is taking him and what he is doing, so that player 2 can go find him and help him.e.

d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react: I would first tell them to stop doing what they are doing and if they don't i would get a higher up on discord and tell them what is happening and i would supply them with a video or screenshot of some sort.

d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation: The first thing i would do is jail the person for RDM, and then I would drop the 2 or 3 week ban for Mass RDM. Then after that i would go back to the sit i was previously at and deal with it.

d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets: Building in the streets: no matter what i would enforce the rule telling them not to build in the streets no matter what 0 people or 100 people i have to enforce the rule and tell them the law.


One more thing if any of this is off i made this up in like 10 mins cause I had to go to stupid work and make pizzas. also i can't remember when i applied i think it was 2017 or 18. the highest rank i got was mod. I left the team because of school and I said I was gonna join back during the summer I just never got around to doing it again so here I am in 2020 ready for some staffing 😄

Sincerely: Outermunford/Aidan Spencer








Edited by Zug zug
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The staff app looks thrown together. I do see you saying that you did so, but I would've liked to see you edit it once you had more time to get it up to standard. There are multiple questions where the answers are slightly off or incorrect.


C3; Your definition is partially correct. There is more to metagame then that though.

D1; You shouldn't talk with the staff member who is breaking the rules, as that can cause issues. You should gather evidence instead and bring it to one of the admins.

D2; Max ban for mass rdm would be 2 weeks. Not three.

You also seem to mention jailing people a lot, which I think in those situations you mentioned is unnecessary. I would go with a warn and then see what they do from there. I personally think warning them then jailing them is a tad excessive.

So overall, -1 from me.

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On 2/4/2020 at 3:40 PM, Moo said:

D1; You shouldn't talk with the staff member who is breaking the rules, as that can cause issues. You should gather evidence instead and bring it to one of the admins.

I disagree, I think it's fine to ask as staff member to stop if they blatantly abusing. The gathering evidence portion is also important, but it's not wrong to ask another moderator to stop.

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Sorry, we chose not to accept your application at this time. You must wait two weeks before reapplying to any XenoRP staff position!

In our application meeting, we decided it's probably best to hold of on waiting on accepting your application. Please try to engage with the community, and interact with the staff team a little bit more so they have a better understanding of who you are. In the meantime, please look at the feedback provided from moo.

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