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Report on Brian Knoss


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Pocket Sand

Which staff member are you reporting: Brian Knoss

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: So The mayor issued a lockdown and didnt know how to un-lockdown because he was a new player. He also did not know how to broadcast a message so i tell him how. Then brian teleports to the mayor AS A HOBO and calls the mayor a "Mother Fucker" for talking over him. I tell him that this behavior is unjust and he tells me that it is irrelevant his job role and that he only uses the moderator role to no-clip. He had nothing to lose if he would have changed to the moderator role because he could have just changed to hobo right back! Also Calling someone a "Mother Fucker" when you are one of the moderators on the server is childish, and he should have just gagged the mayor if he was talking over him.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:



(i do not have evidence of brian calling the mayor a "Mother Fucker" because i didnt hit the record button on my software.)

Edited by Pocket Sand
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So from the top.

I did teleport to him as a hobo, as stated below (1) from saddy it isn't necessary if it a pressing issue to be on duty. No-one else was currently responding to the incident so I tp'd to teach him how to use the broadcast command. I did not call him "Mother fucker" when I teleported and he was mic spamming I said my guy can you be quiet while I try to talk to you, I just tped to you this is a staff sit i'm not currently RPing.

I could have changed to mod and changed back but I quickly wanted to get to the mayor as soon as I could as lots of people were complaining in the chat.


Thank you for your report.

(1)  spacer.png


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Ok, maybe i heard it wrong. but by the time you teleported to him the lockdown was already over. Also saddy says if you are PLAYING a special class you can use commands off duty. Im pretty sure a hobo is not a special class unless it was the hobo king but you were not the hobo king.

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Hello Pocket Sand, thank you for creating a staff report! Here is the verdict:

  • There is no evidence presented of Brian calling him a "Mother Fucker" , and he denies it
  • Brian wasn't justified in teleporting over in this scenario as it was non-critical and he wasn't a special class (he acknowledges this above).

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me @ Saddy#4781 on Discord or by messaging me on the forums. Have a good day!

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