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Everything posted by DatsOkey

  1. Your In-Game (RP) name: DatsOkey Player's In-Game (RP) name: Raph & Arrow Player's Steam ID: Arrow - STEAM_0:1:100136574 | Raph - STEAM_0:1:52109892 Describe how the player broke the rules: I was in my Base when 2 Swat Officers came and warranted me. First Reason was "Test" I shot them both and they kept coming back and placing warrants on me Evidence of the player breaking the rules: I have Screenshots with them doing it. I also copied everything & deleted unneeded Materials. Raph ordered a search warrant for DatsOkey. Reason: Test DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_barret_m82 DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_barret_m82 DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_jackhammer DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel Raph ordered a search warrant for DatsOkey. Reason: We will get you DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel Raph ordered a search warrant for DatsOkey. Reason: My dude is too good with the buttons DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_jackhammer DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_jackhammer DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_browningauto5 DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel Arrow killed DatsOkey using m9k_m24 DatsOkey killed Raph using m9k_dbarrel DatsOkey killed Arrow using m9k_jackhammer They did Kill me once at the end but I came back and Killed them cause I didn't want to loose my Bitminers to these People
  2. Its a no for me mainly because I think the Guns you can get now are Fine. I mean if you were to implement Double Barrels, Barrett's, & etc it would be Really Unfair for Some of the server. Not everyone has Money to Waste on OP Guns. Yes their is Custom Classes that have these types of Weapons but there are very Few People that get on and have a Custom Class with these Weapons. Also If they were to Add double barrel shipments to the Server that would make it way Harder to Raid, Mug, & Kidnap. Creating a Unfair Advantage for New Players.
  3. I think it would be Great I saw some videos about it. Can't wait to play it!
  4. My Favorite Horror isn't much of a Horror but rather a Comedy Horror. If you want to Watch it the Name is Tucker & Dale vs. Evil. It is Pretty Gory ( Not that its a Problem ) It gives you a Good Laugh Though. ( It's on Netflix )
  5. Tbh Spec Ops is the Reason I got the game but I still enjoy playing MW. I still got the Old Modern Warfare so I can play Spec Ops all I want
  6. Satisfying Reloads. Like I don't know what it is but the Way it sounds and Looks all Together makes it Super Satisfying to me.
  7. DatsOkey

    Best VR Games

    Personally I love Pavlov VR. I have 150 Hours on it and my Hours a greatly increasing Another VR Game I would recommend is Beat Saber. Although it is a Difficult game you can get the Hang of it. It also is a Great Workout!
  8. My Favorite Old Game ( That I can Remember ) would be Contra for the Nintendo NES
  9. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? My In-Game Name is DatsOkey. a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/DatsOkey/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? シ DatsOkey#0069 a4) What timezone are you located in? Central Standard Time a5) How many in-game warns do you have? I have 0 Warns. a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? Yes I have been banned. I was Banned for RDM In a Sit because this guy got me really Frustrated and Mad ( It was a Long Time Ago ) a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? No I do not have any Staffing Experience on any Gmod Server. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? This Server was the 2nd DarkRP Server I have ever played on. I have had so many Good Times on this Server. I also have a Lot of Hours on this server and know Mostly Everyone. I know Almost All the Rules ( Besides the Ones that were Recently Changed ) b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? The Main thing that would make me a Good Moderator is I usually stay up pretty Late During week Days but even latter during Weekends. Also another Main thing is before I got Demoted I was doing Tickets All Day. Not because I needed too but because I enjoyed taking tickets. I enjoyed Helping the server, Making sure everyone was having a Good Time, Not having there Day ruined by someone who just comes on to RDM and get Banned. I also know Most of the Rules. ( Some Got Changed while I was Gone ) Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM or Random Death Match is where Someone shoots Someone Else for a Non-RP Situation Punishment : Warn / 2 Week Ban if they RDM 3 or More People at the Same Time. Example : Little Jimmy shot Dave because he Wanted Too. ---------- RDA OR Random Arrest is when a Law Enforcement's Randomly Arrests A Player for a Non-RP Situation Punishment : Warn / 2 Week Ban if they RDA A Lot of People without Reason Example : Dave Arrested Little Jimmy for him Talking too Much c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR or No Life Rule is where One or More Players Return to where they Died Previously. Also NLR is If you remember your Latest Death or Get Revenge on whoever Killed You. Example : Little Jimmy killed Dave because He was Raiding. Then Dave came back and Killed Little Jimmy Example : Little Jimmy told the Cops that Dave Killed Him c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagaming is when Someone Gives RP Knowledge In /OOC or Tells one Another Example : Little Jimmy and Greg and in the Same Party. Dave kills Greg. Greg tells Little Jimmy that Dave killed him in Discord. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I Immediately tell a Owner or Admin that He/She is Abusing their Powers d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I will Pause the Sit for just enough time to Bring the Person MassRDM'ing up to the Sit. I will then Jail Him so he can't do anything and Resume The Sit. Once the Sit is done I will Ban the Player for his Actions d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I will tell them to Stop and if they do it again I will have to Warn them. If they continue I will Warn them. Thanks For Reading ~DatsOkey
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