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Something Trans Right Report


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Name: Grunk

Reporting: Trans Rights and Lucina

What they did wrong: (and a whole fuckin topic on what happened)


So this all starts of with I went on the server. It starts when these two people I raided came back and killed me, had a mod deal with that and I went back to raid again since my timer worn out. The moderator who helped me logged off and little did I know this was a grave mistake. Anyways I raided them again and once again they came back and killed me so I waited and raided them again and same thing happened. I kept raided them 10 minutes after 10 minutes of waiting and they kept coming back. At the end of it they broken NLR about 20+ times. They also rdm'd me 4 times. Along this I wanted continuously reporting it to a moderator. After an hour of waiting and I do not lie an hour, I noticed there were 4 moderators on including Trans, Lucina and two other mods which of 1 was afk. So technically 3 mods where on at the time. After another 30 minutes of waiting making an hour and a half of waiting time I started to get pissed and when I talked about it all mods responded with "We are RP'ing rn" which I found pretty stupid because they would tell mayor to remove illegal laws. Many other players were angry at this as they were saying that they have also been waiting for a very long time. I decided to test something; as my ticket wasnt being accepted I decided to rdm Lucina as she was a raum and see if she would only use the power of moderation for herself. Little did I know I was completely correct. She warned me for rdm and went along with her day. I felt this is massively responsible as a senior mod, I have a feeling that once moderators hit the minimum ticket limit, they stop taking tickets and just focus on themsleves and I know this is a bold statement but this goes for the mods on at the time. Chaos going around at the time and not a single mod goes online. But wait, it gets better. So I knew they would not accept my ticket so I decided to give another test to see if they were being biased or just not doing their job. I decided to say the word "faggot" in ooc knowing that that word is not allowed to be said on the server. Seconds later a moderator goes online teleports me into a sit, warns me for saying "faggot". I asked him if he can accept my ticket along with many other tickets and he said "maybe I have a head ache rn" and this got me really pissed because of the fact that they will only do the bare minimum. As I said before once a moderator hits the ticket range they have to meet, they stop moderating all together and just if it is needed or helps themselves. I find it horrible that a server that I love playing on recruits such people for a moderation job that they do very poorly. I have no disrespect on the way the server runs and how mods dont have to take tickets but I feel as this should not go unnoticed. Im not sure if moderator biased is a good name for this topic but I have no words to explain what happened the past 2 hours

Anyway I finally got sick and kept raiding the people mentioned before who broke nlr 20 times and were just being minges. I killed them both 3 times as they keep coming back. After they finally came back the 6th time they killed me and after that I was banned for mass rdm. I have said some things to moderators like "do you only accept tickets and moderate when it helps you" and "whats the point of being a moderator if you dont accept tickets and help people" which I think pissed them off. I have a feeling that they became biased because they were salty that I called them out and tats why they decided not to accept my ticket. This is very unprofessional of a server moderator. I do not have footage as I was getting ready to take screen shots of chat but then was banned. I hope someone higher up can see this and read thoroughly as their are many problems here stating the two moderators Trans and Lucina. I'm not sure if this happens normally as I never see them on as mod nor have had any problems with the staff until now. Sorry for the long topic but there is a huge problem here and I feel like it has to be looked upon.

Here is a ongoing topic with another side of the story from another player reporting Trans rights.


I have a feeling after reading this and reading this topic you can grasp what was done wrong here thank you for reading.


Edit: Here is another post about Trans being biased.


Edited by iamgrunk
Forgot to put my name and people I was reporting.
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If needed I can provide proof of what I am about to claim;

There are a few things wrong with your report, Luci is actually on LOA atm so she is trying not to use her staff powers at all and actually asked me to warn you for her, as for the ‘fa**’ thing I did not do what you claimed I did, I brought you then said I would get to your sit after I dealt with the other ones being made.

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10 minutes ago, Something said:

If needed I can provide proof of what I am about to claim;

There are a few things wrong with your report, Luci is actually on LOA atm so she is trying not to use her staff powers at all and actually asked me to warn you for her, as for the ‘fa**’ thing I did not do what you claimed I did, I brought you then said I would get to your sit after I dealt with the other ones being made.

I understand that lucina was doing something, this report is more about you. I dont think there was a ticket being there for over an hour and a half. I feel like the ticket I made and the things I said happened was a pretty big ticket. And you said after you warned me for what I said I asked if you could now accept my ticket and you replied with "maybe" and then returned me. Later before I was banned I noticed that you went back off duty signifying that no, you aren't getting through more tickets and no you aren't going to get to mine. It is very unprofessional to act the way you did and the balls you have to say you are getting to me by going through tickets then going off duty. And as I can see many reports are on you that are on the forums about being unbiased so I dont think you have the ability to just say "everything on here is wrong". I would ask for a moderator which is not the one I am accusing to read over carefully and say to me that this is not ok. And if this is ok I believe that this server is not as well made as I first thought. Don't get me wrong I love the server and the people on it but this just sorta crosses the line between "ok imma rp for a hour" to the whole staff team is gonna let everyone wait.

Edited by iamgrunk
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Hi Grunk,

To address your report, as Something mentioned above, I am currently on a LOA and am not currently participating in taking tickets. I most certainly did not warn you for RDMing me but did request that a moderator please do so due to my current state. 

Here is the below copy and paste of the log in question:

Lucina ➞ Raum seniormod was killed by Grunnk ➞ Mafia Member m9k_aw50 user with a m9k_aw50

Grunnk ➞ Mafia Member keys user was warned by Something Trans Rights ➞ Terrorist weapon_physgun modplus for RDM 


I understand your frustration with the server not having moderators available to take tickets, but please be advised that in the MOTD, it does state under Server Policies, rule #7:

Staff members are not required to take tickets or be on duty at all times, they have the right to roleplay as they see fit.

Again, I understand your frustration with the situation but two wrongs do not make a right. If a staff member is not on duty and, thus, not accepting tickets - We highly encourage the players to make Player Reports in the case that a staff member is currently experiencing something they do not want to publicly share with the community that is preventing them from taking the current tickets. 



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12 minutes ago, Something said:


I clearly state the following things; 

If you say Fa*** again in OOC in the way you said it (as you just did /ooc fa****), it would result in a NITRP ban

I say 'maybe' as I also clearly say if I get to it

Things to Note;

I actually have a ticket claimed that I got to right after I returned you

May I ask, why would you go straight back to a normal job and go off duty, I feel you would get the the next ticket right away. If you had a ticket claimed and you went off duty this would mean you have just lied to me unless you were just like nah nvm. You said after that you had a headache so I know this is a blatant lie because you wouldn't make an excuse like that.

Edited by iamgrunk
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I didn't do that? I handled the sit I have claimed in the screenshot, if needed I will get back on the server and get logs of this

I don't want to get in a argument over the forums so I will just leave this last bit of proof showing I took the sit after you. If anything else is needed from me I'm always on discord ^-^



Edited by Something
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2 minutes ago, ♥ Luci ♥™ said:

Hi Grunk,

To address your report, as Something mentioned above, I am currently on a LOA and am not currently participating in taking tickets. I most certainly did not warn you for RDMing me but did request that a moderator please do so due to my current state. 

Here is the below copy and paste of the log in question:

Lucina ➞ Raum seniormod was killed by Grunnk ➞ Mafia Member m9k_aw50 user with a m9k_aw50

Grunnk ➞ Mafia Member keys user was warned by Something Trans Rights ➞ Terrorist weapon_physgun modplus for RDM 


I understand your frustration with the server not having moderators available to take tickets, but please be advised that in the MOTD, it does state under Server Policies, rule #7:

Staff members are not required to take tickets or be on duty at all times, they have the right to roleplay as they see fit.

Again, I understand your frustration with the situation but two wrongs do not make a right. If a staff member is not on duty and, thus, not accepting tickets - We highly encourage the players to make Player Reports in the case that a staff member is currently experiencing something they do not want to publicly share with the community that is preventing them from taking the current tickets. 



I feel like you two are not getting the point of this topic. I have nothing against you Lucina as I should have not included what happened with you, this is more about Trans. I also get it its not a moderator's job to moderate. Now that im saying it it sounds stupid but whatever. Anyway I am mad that I was warned and dealt with because of what I did and even after that, no mod was on duty. What I am most mad about is that I was talked to about saying a slur and then said someone would get to my ticket. Knowing only trans is the ONLY ONE who can take tickets at the moment. I was banned for mass rdm. Knowing this it would have to be Trans that banned me. Instead of taking my ticket that happened 2 hours before anyone would have reported me for mass rdm, I feel amount of biased ness that since I talked to Trans in a mean way he used his powers in a bad way. I would like for you to explain to me why he banned me from reports just coming in when my report has been sitting there and still at this point he has not accepted my ticket. I would have been happy and not had to make this whole post if he just dealt with me but no. He had to ban me. @Something I would like an explanation and if and IF trans didnt ban me which would make this arguement obsolete I want a screen shot of who banned me because the ban message wouldnt say.

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10 minutes ago, Something said:

I didn't do that? I handled the sit I have claimed in the screenshot, if needed I will get back on the server and get logs of this

I don't want to get in a argument over the forums so I will just leave this last bit of proof showing I took the sit after you. If anything else is needed from me I'm always on discord ^-^



I am very mad that the fact that I was banned from a ticket just coming in. I should have been accepted a long time before hand.

Edited by iamgrunk
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7 minutes ago, Rice Cooker said:

I would like to clarify I am the one who issued your 2w Mass RDM ban iamgrunk.

Thank you rice for clarifying that but why would I have to wait 2 hours and my ticket not be accepted but as soon as someone puts a ticket on me, it was accepted immediately. And another thing id like to know before this topic has been dealt with, after Trans finished the ticket after warning me, why would he have gone off duty and back to rp'ing. Does he just do 2 tickets and then he's done. Feel like he is being somewhat biased towards me since I was rather rude to him beforehand.


This is my final question on this topic unless what you say does not meet what I asked.

Edited by iamgrunk
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Hey Grunk, Hopefully this clears up a little bit of your confusion.

To start, we should clear up the expectation of just because a moderator on, they must take sits. Our mentality is that moderators initially joined the server with the intention to roleplay, and later worked their way up to being a staff member. It isn't right to take away their right to roleplay as they see fit. There's nothing wrong with "not doing their job", because in reality, they don't have to. If they want to get on and play the server the way it's intended instead of moderation, that's Aye OK. Please try to show a little bit more consideration towards the staff team, and understand that you are not entitled to having a staff member help you at all times. They are people too, and deserve having the right to play unbothered, just like you.

Secondly, you were upset that moderators came out of the roleplay class and decided to handle a few sits. I again, see nothing wrong with this. Sure it might not have been the sit that you wanted them to take, but at the end of the day they were helping take care of people breaking the rules and I think that's really what counts. Some sits can be handled quickly and don't require a lot of investigation and moderators might choose to take these and return back to roleplay as the short sit would not terribly interrupt their roleplay. This same mentality would also explain, why directly rdming a moderator would be handled. It's quick, didn't take much investigation, and was easy to handle.

Lastly, if moderators aren't on duty or simply aren't taking tickets at the exact time you would like them to. Please collect the proper evidence and report it on the forums. We don't claim to have the server staffed 24/7 and to combat this we tend to handle player reports quickly and efficiently. This gives the player some level of control over people breaking the rules.

As far as the "Feel like he is being somewhat biased towards me since I was rather rude to him beforehand." If you decide to treat someone poorly anywhere in life, you probably aren't going to get the best possible experience in return. Who would want to willingly take time out of their day to help someone who is being an asshole? If you're mean to the mcdonalds worker, you're getting the cold fries. If you piss of the janitor, he's not going to go out of his way to make your officer cleaner. If you're an asshole to the IT department you're laptop is going to be the last one to be upgraded. Piss of the nurse, and they might have to dig to find that vein. There are definitely some perks to acting like a reputable human being when interacting with the people who are trying to help you. If you want people to take time out from role playing, or from other games I would start by possibly treating them with respect.

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