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Let users votekick if no staff are on duty

Should users be allowed to do this?  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Should users be allowed to do this?

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Could users PLEASE be allowed to votekick people for breaking rules if no staff are on duty? NOT if no staff are online. I'm talking about if staff are RP'ing and online but not on duty.

At least now, I know I'm technically not supposed to, but I've had several times when I've votekicked people for mass RDM'ing, when no mods are on duty, and mods are RP'ing. I figured it was acceptable to do this to get the user off the server, say, for mass RDM, but I guess not. Yet the mods still cancel the votekick and do not go on duty.

Why is this a thing? Users should be able to vote someone off the server if there are no mods on duty, and if those mods are not doing anything to combat the user breaking rules. There's times where someone is mass RDMing and people try to get the mass RDMer votekicked when no mods are on duty, then a mod cancels it. So the dude just continues to mass RDM with no repercussions.

Obviously mods can cancel the votekick if it's obviously false. But honestly they shouldn't be using powers to cancel the vote and not go on duty or do anything to handle the issue.

And yes, you could make a player report, but that's more annoying than just simply solving the issue right away because you need to document proof and fill out a whole form. It simply is not convenient to file reports like that.

Let me know what you think.


Edited by Setro
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If its come down to a votekick while staff is on thats just sad. I know we aren't required to be on duty but damn, at least I care to take care of the players. 

I think if no on is on duty that counts as no staff online. But good luck arguing that against a tmod. 


This is rule 5 under server policies in the MOTD. "Do not Votekick other players if a staff member is online. If a staff member is online but away, you may Votekick."

If the staff member isnt taking action, then I would consider them away, thus allowing a votekick.

Edited by Lolagaf
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