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StapleToday at 2:35 PM i have a request, can you title the report "Staple is a scumbag mod abuser"?


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: ^^Euria

Which staff member are you reporting: Staple 

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: While building for the mega base we had Staple decided to run into the area I was blocking off and refused to leave. Both tunnels are considered part of the mega base but he said I wasn't allowed to do anything to him because I was "building around him". I decided to build anyways without getting a warn or anything nor did he care that I was doing it. So I let him stay in the tunnel stuck since he didn't want anything to happen to him. After getting back into the base and deleting the part that was blocking him in from the inner side of the tunnel he had !tpaccept 'd people into the tunnel. While inside the tunnel part of our base when it became unblocked we were greeted with !tpaccept 'd people to do /advert Raid and kill us all. 

He admits to having tpaccept 'd a regular player into an illegal prop blocked area as he says which was part of our base at the time.


Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

The photo named antagonizing is just for the reason of the staff report. He requested it in the discord multiple times just to try and annoy me so he got his way. 

Abuse4 shows where he says that we had a kos sign up which we did but we were building up defenses up in the tunnel from the side where the entrance is not. It was still in the tunnel which is area you're allowed to build in for a mega base. He did refuse to leave the tunnel area where I was building and told me there was nothing I could do about it because it. I decided to build it anyways which trapped him inside our base for the mean time. He didn't leave like asked and I'm not about to go and kill a moderator when they say I can't. He did let me build and I do not have a warn for prop blocking so I can only assume it was part of his plan to abuse !tpaccept.

Abuse4 is probably the most important because its where he admits he has a video of what happened during the entire situation. I don't demo everything I do so if you really want to see the whole situation you'd have to ask him for it even though I guess its not his job to prove himself guilty. But you can also say if hes so confident about this demo proving his innocence I don't know why he would say he has it then not give it to me. Its a matter of going into the gmod folder and posting the demo itself into the discord and can be done in a matter of seconds.


Abuse3 shows that he says he didn't advert raid and wasn't apart of it and advising me it that of a waste of time to try and report him

Abuse2 shows that although he wasn't the one who got tp'd in he did use the command to help his friends get inside to raid. It also shows him again asking for the title of this report and just trying to annoy me. He also admits again he was prop blocked inside but no admin action was taken to warn me or stop me even though he is a senior moderator.

Abuse is the best yet because it shows him saying his friend Daddy Hobo requested a tp into the illegal prop block area and he accepted it. He isn't a moderator or anyone to resolve the "propblock issue" as his only defense. 




abuse 3.png



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If using the !tpaccept command is not against the rules because Staple said its not in the motd so its not against the rules I will from now on use this command to do mass raids into peoples bases with no chance of them being able to win. 


This report goes with the Daddy Hobo report in the player report section as they were the same incident but one is a Senior Moderator and one is a player.

Edited by euria
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Ok so i'll try to go over every single point you've made.

I was outside of your base on the backside of the megabase. You guys had a kos sign at the front of the base, and I wasn't inside your base, so you couldn't kill me. One of your members then decided to start blocking me into the area I was in next to your base, meaning I was propblocked into your base. Since you were then building, you weren't allowed to kill me until you fixed up the propblock. While I was stuck in the propblocked area, a player by the name of Daddy Hobo decided to tprequest to me, which I accepted, because I wasn't in an rp situation or in jail. So tp requesting to the area I was at was completely fine and allowed, and we had no intention to raid you at all, not only due to the fact that it was propblocked and we couldn't physcially raid if we wanted to. One of your members then decided to delete the prop that was propblocking us and then killed me in a mug, which was completely allowed. Since your propblocked area was fixed and your kos sign was up, you were then allowed to kill us. I was dead and out of the base. Daddy Hobo then decided to raid you guys (By the way, you are allowed to call raid while inside someone's base) and he then killed you all and successfully raided you guys. When your friend refused to pay Daddy Hobo the 100 Million, he was perma banned for scamming.

To go over your points, I did say it was pointless to report me because I have done nothing wrong, and neither did Daddy Hobo.

I DID use tp accept, and was allowed to, as I wasn't in an rp situation.

I told you guys many times to get rid of the prop blocked area. I'm sure you weren't there to hear it because you decided to kill yourself with a bind, but your friends certainly did.

I would also like to reiterate to any mods or admins viewing this, I never even raided this man.

I would ALSO like to reiterate a rule for everyone reading this, if your kos sign says "KOS Inside", and its a megabase, it means kos inside your props. You are not allowed to then go up to someone outside your props and then propblock them inside your base. You would need to fix the propblock before your kos sign is legal again.

It seems like you are trying to get me in trouble for tp requesting someone, but as the rules state, since I wasn't in an rp situation, there was no problem accepting a tp request. If you didn't want me inside a prop blocked portion of your base, you shouldn't have built around me in the first place.


Also, when it says provide evidence, it sort of means to provide evidence, not screenshots of discord of me telling you things that I did that are allowed.

Edited by Staple
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When I had started to build the walls on the back you were not in the area.

You only ran into the area when I started building it even though for mega bases you own the entire two tunnels connection the area.

You were asked plenty of times to leave the area and you refused so you ended up getting prop blocked in. By the time it was all blocked off that was then considered part of our base which you said when opened was then part of our base. "One of your members then decided to delete the prop that was propblocking us and then killed me in a mug, which was completely allowed. Since your propblocked area was fixed and your kos sign was up, you were then allowed to kill us." Which means that when we had closed the other way off that closed off part you were in was part of our base you allowed Daddy Hobo to teleport into with the intent to raid which you claim is not the case but is what happened.

"I told you guys many times to get rid of the prop blocked area. I'm sure you weren't there to hear it because you decided to kill yourself with a bind, but your friends certainly did." You say this and knowingly say I wasn't there to hear because I killed myself. "I'm sure you weren't there to hear it because you decided to kill yourself". With this part and having your friend teleported into our base you knew that this would be an easier raid as you let them teleport in. 

"I would also like to reiterate to any mods or admins viewing this, I never even raided this man." I have also said that you said this many times that you never adverted raid so I don't know why you're still bring up this point.

"I would ALSO like to reiterate a rule for everyone reading this, if your kos sign says "KOS Inside", and its a megabase, it means kos inside your props. You are not allowed to then go up to someone outside your props and then propblock them inside your base. You would need to fix the propblock before your kos sign is legal again." Also like I said I was building before you ran in there and said I wasn't allowed to do anything to you about it. So you stayed there and allowed yourself to get prop blocked in knowing full well you let Daddy Hobo teleport into the base which he then adverted raid and killed and destroyed our stuff. Also claiming that if its not inside your props you aren't allowed to kill them is like saying when mega basing anyone inside the tunnel you have a kos sign for his rdm. Its still your property. Props have nothing to do with whats considered property.


Also as far as the motd I couldn't find a single rule relating to the !tpaccept command


Also please don't close this discussion because its not toxic and I would like to talk with people.

Edited by euria
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I think you are failing to understand that I was allowed to tp accept his request even if my intent WAS to raid, as I wasn’t currently in an rp situation. As long as you aren’t in an rp situation then you are allowed to tp request/accept.

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This report is so long im putting it down as my summer reading for .5 of a credit. ANYWAY! Seems to be a very weird situation regarding the tp request thingy.If he tped someone into the base, its really not his fault that they raided however i do understand your frustrations. To kinda end this off, i personally dont think staple did anything ground breaking however i will give him a talk let him know to refrain from doing this again, because it could cause troubles. Thank you again, and sorry about the issues

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Can you define the rules in the motd or something because he was tp'd after it was blocked off which should then be considered tping someone into a base. Whether the intention was there or not it should be a command for getting somewhere faster. However I don't believe the situation was right where he tp'd them in a closed off area of our base was a fair way to start a raid.  

Anyways I hope some new rules can be added thx

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