Waltz Posted December 28, 2020 Share Posted December 28, 2020 a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Waltz a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/TheSpiderMafia/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Luna~#2900 a4) What timezone are you located in? EST a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 0 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? Never been banned! a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I moderated on Xeno RP for 5-7 months (I think?), making it all the way up to Senior Moderator. I like to think I did a good job! :) I have also staffed on many, many different Garry's Mod servers of all different types since I began playing the game in 2008-- including LightRP, DarkRP, Sandbox, Murder, and Trouble in Terrorist Town. I've even owned several DarkRP servers and a Murder server! Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I've got a lot of free time now, and I have a lot of fond memories of XenoRP. In addition, I've seen a lot of rulebreakers and minges in the 10+ hours I've played since I came back. I'd love to help do my part to keep things running smoothly like I used to! b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I've been playing DarkRP since it was LightRP, and I have a lot of experience moderating. I also consider myself fair and not too strict. Additionally, I am extremely familiar with this particular server's rules and mod tools. When I previously moderated on this server, I had a very very good record. : Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM is Random Deathmatch-- or killing someone for no valid in-RP reason. ARDM is the same thing, only attempted RDM-- in that you try to kill someone with no reason, but fail. RDA is Random Arrest-- or arresting someone for no valid in-RP reason. ARDA, like ARDM, is the "attempted" version of this. There's also RDT (random tazing), CarDM (destroying/attacking a car for no reason), and several similar infractions. First-time violations are usually punished with an in-game Warning, while repeated infractions can be punished by a ban (1 week for Repeated RDM/RDA, and 2 weeks for Mass RDM/RDA). c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR is the New Life Rule-- the roleplay rule that stipulates your "character" does not remember anything from their past life. You also cannot interact with the person who killed you for five minutes, or return to the area in which you died for five minutes. Apart from the obvious two ways to break NLR just mentioned, you can also break it by "remembering" something in your past life-- for instance, if you are a police officer who finds out that someone has Money Clickers in their house, die, and then place a warrant on them for having Money Clickers when you respawn. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagaming is using out-of-RP information to your advantage in roleplaying situations. For example, this could be holding down your talk button without actually speaking to see if someone you want to raid is currently home. Or, arresting someone for having the "Hit Accepted" marker above their heads. This can also be something to the effect of using a third-party platform like Discord to give yourself an unfair advantage. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I gather information using a screen recording software or any other means available, compile the evidence, and submit a Staff Report. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I jail the MRDM-er, finish my current sit, then go deal with them. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. The rules should be followed at all times, no matter how many people are online. I will politely ask them to stop building in the streets, and I may issue a warn if they don't listen to me, but I will be particularly lenient given that nobody else is online. The elephant in the room for a lot of people is of course DeltaRP, the DarkRP server that I started a little bit after I left Xeno. To make a long story short, after spending a very long time in production, the project is currently suspended due to a lack of personal motivation following my grandfather's death, bad family issues cropping up, and financial problems. Apparently there are rumors (???) about this, something I was only made aware of a few minutes ago-- but if you have any questions, feel free to contact me. :) I hope to be accepted and help try to keep XenoRP a minge-free environment and running smoothly once again! Link to comment
Kil Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 +1 I've talked to waltz and he said even if his server does come back up he will definitely stay as staff. As someone who know waltz when they were staff I do have to say they were a pretty amazing staff member and knew the rules very well and never had problems with them. Mod app looks pretty great and in game behavior is nothing but good including making sits with valid proof and being a helping hand. Link to comment
Moo Posted December 29, 2020 Share Posted December 29, 2020 +1 Your application is phenomenal. I've seen you in the Discord and you seem like a nice guy. I like your staffing history, you definitely have a lot of experience and I'm sure you'd be a great addition to the team (again.) Link to comment
pian Posted December 30, 2020 Share Posted December 30, 2020 +1 I've had my issues with you in the past, but none of them were very server-related. You're an exceptional staff member, and you know what you're doing. I would love to see you on the team. Link to comment
Saddy Posted January 1, 2021 Share Posted January 1, 2021 +1 You were very helpful as a senior moderator, and I have seen you active in the community as of lately. Link to comment
Saddy Posted January 2, 2021 Share Posted January 2, 2021 Accepted Someone will contact you soon. Link to comment
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