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Black out base broke nlr no colided into a base


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Me and my friends were scouting raid areas on the server when we ran into damien STEAM_0:1:527325140,  where we told him his base was a black out base and they arent legal and he said yeah he knows.  Well he came out and he attempted to kidnap us as a meth cook so we killed him then we adverted raid and started raiding him. we got inside and ended up killing his friend and thats when he came back and no colided into his base to kill us.

Edited by Mero
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A photo showing that I said wrong bind before I died
I would of survived the raid and fought in it if you read what i said and realized my advert wasn't a part of the RP
After this you said i did not say wrong bind

My base is dark but my doors and floor are distinguishable from the walls and you can therefore see the dimensions of the room
I could understand how it could seem completely blacked out however.

Below is a video of mero doing FailRP by blackmailing me to not get banned

Edited by d a m i e n
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Hello, I've gone over all the evidence provided alongside one of the admins. We agreed that there isn't enough evidence to prove that he no collided back into the base so we cannot take any action against that. And with the proof that Damien provided it looks like he accidentally hit that bind, so I won't be warning him for that either. However, I will be issuing a warn for having a failbase since he did have materials that are not allowed in it. Thank you for the report.

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7 minutes ago, Moo said:

Hello, I've gone over all the evidence provided alongside one of the admins. We agreed that there isn't enough evidence to prove that he no collided back into the base so we cannot take any action against that. And with the proof that Damien provided it looks like he accidentally hit that bind, so I won't be warning him for that either. However, I will be issuing a warn for having a failbase since he did have materials that are not allowed in it. Thank you for the report.

Thats funny come into the server and check logs youll see he died and then we adverted raid :) then he came back and used his no colide tool


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