Dak Posted February 1, 2020 Share Posted February 1, 2020 So i was in spawn and i saw moo have some dude who was Mass RDAing jailed. I said he was a badmin or something like that as a joke, and he jailed me, said oops missclick, and walked away. Like 3 mins later kil unjails me. Honestly I really would never care but ive had no good interactions with moo in any way and nothing has been positive about him. Ive heard other people talk about how they don't like him and he doesn't do a very good job in his sits and dealing with others who are just trying to play. He minges quite a bit as a staff member and I am aware that I can be mingy at times but this time all i said was 'badmin' and i somehow offended him. I copied when i was jailed 21:55:31 - [Moderator] Moo jailed You Link to comment
Moo Posted February 1, 2020 Share Posted February 1, 2020 We were all playing around. Should we bring up you rdming me several times a half an hour before and me not doing anything about it? You seem to have something against me as you followed me around when I got on today calling me a "four year old" and a "shitty staff member". I apologize that you got upset at us all messing around. I assumed since you were messing around, rdming, and being mingey as well that you were ok with it. Link to comment
Kil Posted February 1, 2020 Share Posted February 1, 2020 Not really sure how to reply other than i was banning a guy for mass rdm and had jailed the mass rdmer and you got jailed I heard you being annoying and interrupting the sit so i assumed she jailed you for that and after i had banned the mass rdmer moo and i were walking away and you got unjailed within a minute or so Link to comment
Saddy Posted February 1, 2020 Share Posted February 1, 2020 Hello Dak, thank you for creating a report on the forums! Unfortunately, I will not be taking action against the staff members for these reasons: Even if you were minging around with them and it was a joke, yelling at a staff member trying to deal with a situation is pretty annoying. While a gag would suffice better, jailing is an alternative Please use the template below Link to comment
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