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Brian Knoss Report

Doctor Hunt

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Your In-Game (RP) Name: hunt

Which staff member are you reporting: Brian Knoss

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: The staff member said that this KOS sign (attached image) was allowed because the red line was visible. I tried to explain to him that the line was not a valid sign of KOS, however he kept telling me to shutup. Jeesus tried to explain it to him as well with the rule, "Kos and Building signs must be easily visible with a minimum text size of 40 points". I think Brian was saying that from a certain angle, you could see the KOS sign. However, that is not easily visible as you need to be in a certain position. 

The sign was later lowered and fixed, but I don't feel as if Brian understands that still. 

I don't wish for the staff member to be punished, rather reassessed on the rules. But actually you know if you really want to, punish him.


Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:

(the person was trying to do the Plexiate gun range thing)



Edited by Doctor Hunt
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Hey bud.

So without being inside the base or fear of being KOS you can blatantly see the sign.

First of you can see if very easily without going near the base as you have shown in the image.

If you walk up to the lip you can see the text saying KOS if entering.

In the regards to me telling you to shutup there was a sit between me, one other person and the base owner and around 6-7 people all came over and started talking at once, this was blatantly not RP and they were all told to back away and be quiet as this had nothing to do with them at this moment it time.

I am only trial however a moderator who is no longer in trial agreed with me and did more investigating ingame and he agrees with what I said. He took screenshots and may reply to this thread.



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38 minutes ago, Doctor Hunt said:


Brian you were telling the gun dealer to shoot us while you were talking, pretty sure that's RP. In your reply you basically back up hunt's report, "If you walk up to the lip you can see the text saying KOS if entering". The only way you could actually see the sign is if you are on the actual lip of the base, which is not clearly visible.

You, my good sir, are wrong.


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Since Kil accidentally deleted my reply, I have to type this again sorry.

Anyways, the point is that you should easily see the KOS sign from where I'm standing. You should not have to be in a certain position to see the said KOS sign. You say that it is blatantly obvious where the sign is, however all I see is a red line (the sign "he gonna kill you if you enter" was another players sign after he tried to shoot us)

Also, you made the situation 100% RP when you told the Gun Dealer he can shoot all of us. You then proceeded to toss us around telling us to leave, but telling the gun dealer he can shoot us. This is abusive of your powers.

And to the mod who told you that this is ok, can you please not make them anonymous and get their name because I'd like to chat with them. I would just like to know their POV and what they heard from the story. 


(I'd like to say that CONVOY was also apart of this situation, giving him the right to reply)

Edited by Doctor Hunt
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From the top.

You can blatantly see the sign from where you are standing just as you pictured for us above(1).

Now this isn't in the same place because at the time of me taking the image someone had the exact location. However it still uses the same garage door. As you can see in this screenshot (2) you can easily see the example KOS sign BEFORE you enter the property this is exactly how the player had it setup. 

At the time of me telling everyone this, this was indeed an admin sit and I was telling him that he could kill everyone in the room (if it wasn't a sit) but he knew not to since it was an admin sit at no time was I telling him to kill everyone, I was giving him an example that he could. 

Regarding the tossing all the players around before telling them to leave that is a blatant lie. I was loudly informing everyone that this is an admin sit and they shouldn't be interacting with the gun dealer while I am talking to him. I started tossing people out with my physgun and talking to them individually that it is an admin sit and that they need to leave.

After about 10 minutes when everybody left the base and went to the sidewalk 4 different people got warned by myself and another mod for prop minging as they were spamming text screens all over the base.

And the last bit regarding the mod who told me that it was ok, no I will not say their name unless they want to reply to this thread themselves as you "like a chat with them" is completely irrelevant unless the chat is replying to this thread. They heard nothing of the story and had no POV all they saw was the KOS text screen.


(1) spacer.png



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On 2/2/2020 at 9:56 PM, convoy said:

Brian you were telling the gun dealer to shoot us while you were talking, pretty sure that's RP. In your reply you basically back up hunt's report, "If you walk up to the lip you can see the text saying KOS if entering". The only way you could actually see the sign is if you are on the actual lip of the base, which is not clearly visible.

You, my good sir, are wrong.


You can see the sign if you walk UP to the lip not on it.

Which is clearly visible.

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So you basically just said that you admit to saying the KOS sign cannot be seen without being at a certain position, therefore saying I'm right. Also, you let the player shoot people so, oopsie on your part. 

The mod also should speak up if you're including them because you brought them into this situation as evidence.

Anyways, you went against yourself in this situation so, good luck.

Edited by Doctor Hunt
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You can see the KOS sign at any point. You need to go close (to an area that STILL ISN'T KOS) to read the contents but it is VERY blatantly obvious that you can see it.

The player never shot anyone in the admin sit and if they did I didn't notice due to the 6+ people all in the base when they shouldn't have been, talking at once in the base it got very confusing.

The mod can speak up if they decide to.

I didn't go against myself in this situation, I explained to every complaint you have with a reason.



Edited by Somalian Knuckles
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Hello Doctor Hunt, thank you for making a staff report! After reviewing the case, here is the verdict:

The sign is hard to see, and, while not explicitly against the MOTD,  it should of been moved to a more visible location. I talked with Brian about it and told him what to do in the future. If you would like anything else addressed, feel free to let me know by DMing me.

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