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staff report


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Hey gangbangaz, thank you for the staff report. Staff reports help improve our team.

In this case, this could be a misunderstanding, but I checked logs to make sure everything checked out.

From my side of the story, I had a base and was afk  cleaning my house for about 30 minutes. I came back to my computer to see that my door had been picklocked, and that my miners had been stolen from. (They should have had 200+ in each based on the time I was afk, but they only had around 30 in the pros). I figured I had been raided, no big deal. I checked the logs and saw that you had adverted a few minutes ago. Keep in mind I go lock the door and make sure you weren't still there. Base was empty.  I then go make a sandwich and come back to find you again in my base. I quickly check the logs to see that you raided again and you had just been warned for silent raiding. To stop you from destroying/stealing from a false raid I just quickly kicked you. I admit I could have done a better punishment but it was in the moment. The silent raid was false for the raid, but you had just done a silent raid before, and I tacked that on to your kick.

The cooldown part was from you raiding my base 3 minutes apart. The timer is 5 minutes for each raid and 10 for the same base. I checked this and thats why I kicked. If this was false I can gladly compensate you for your weapons and miners, but this is where my judgement was from. As there is no log for collections of coins, this makes it a little bit more difficult for both of us.

Here are the logs I was able to find.


This shows the time of the first raid.


This shows the time for the second raid.

If any of this information is false or incorrect please let me know and I will be happy to work things out. If there are any direct questions you can always message me on discord Lolagaf#7193 or here on the forums


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Hi Gangbangaz, thank you for creating a staff report! As Lolagaf has shown, it does appear you raided the same base under the 10 minute mark. I apologize that you lost your miners and such, as a warn would of been fine, but it is up to the staff's discretion when issuing punishments. If you would like, please send me a message on the forums or @ Saddy#4781 on Discord, and I can refund your money. Have a good day!

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