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DarkRP Admin
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Everything posted by Saddy

  1. Denied Past warnings; unprofessional
  2. Saddy

    Nax's staff app :)

    Suspended We will review your application again Saturday.
  3. Hi MilkMan, I'm sorry to hear your frustration about our moderator, however, your report does not provide me with any actionable evidence. If you do end up acquiring screenshots / video / etc which shows your claim, please make another report following the template. Have a great day! Saddy
  4. Saddy

    Jecks mod app :)

    Accepted Welcome to the team! Someone will contact you soon with more information.
  5. Saddy

    Spyte's Mod App

    Accepted Welcome to the team! Someone will contact you soon with more information.
  6. Denied Mod app could use some improvements; haven't had enough interactions to judge character
  7. Hi Hugh, thank you for creating a staff report! I have reviewed the evidence, and unfortunately I don't have sufficient evidence to take action against Chilled. Have a good day! Saddy
  8. Accepted Welcome to the team! Someone will contact you soon with more information.
  9. Accepted Welcome to the team! Someone will contact you soon with more information.
  10. Suspended We will review your application next week
  11. Denied Need to see more, mod application needs improvement
  12. Saddy

    Derpza's Mod App

    Denied See above
  13. Denied Warned with application up
  14. Accepted Welcome to the team! Someone will contact you soon with more information.
  15. Suspended We will review your application next week
  16. Suspended We will review your application next week
  17. Denied Recently came back; need to get readjusted more
  18. Denied Need to know rules better
  19. Denied Application needs improvement; haven't seen
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