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Everything posted by Cubed3
Hey I’m thinking about getting back into the Xeno community and I was trying to join the discord server but it says the invite was invalid or has expired. I’m not sure if this is issue that only I’m having but I don’t know.
This is so simple I don’t know how we haven’t implemented this. Thank God you told us!
EDIT: I can't edit my original post but I posted this on the wrong application, I meant for my original -1 to be for ThatsODD This is for Patchee Pros: Active in game Knows the rules Pretty chill Cons: none Overall: Patchee is a good player that understands the rules I would give him a +1 and if i could i would remove the old reply as it was an accident.
Hey Thanks for making a mod app Pros Active Ex-Mod no warns and no bans never had had a bad experience with you Cons None Overall you used to be a mod and seem chill in game would like to see you on the staff team it's a +1 for me!
Hey that’s Odd thanks for applying for moderator Pros: see you in game a lot good application ex-staff Cons: multiple bans multiple warns as Zyngas said extremely mingey Overall: I have seen you in game a lot this week and I have not had a bad experience with you this week, None of your warns are active which is good, but in reality you are very mingey and seem like you care more about killing than RPing. Also there was an innocent with a perm ban. Honestly from what I’m hearing from others it’s going to be a -1 for me
-1 pros: none cons: mingey and always building in streets or up to inaccessible rooftops overall: try being less mingey and wait until your 15 to reapply
Hey PP thanks for putting in a application PROS: see you in game a lot have had good experiences with you you seem very chill Has prior mod experience CONS: C2 could be a bit more clear with times C3 could have more detail too Overall: I see you on a lot and your application could use a little bit of work I would like to see you on the team and it is a +1 for me, have a good day.
Favourite cancelled tv show or movie series.
Cubed3 replied to BurgerWithOnion's topic in Movies & TV
Gravity falls was the shit -
I agree with this if that was a problem then anyone in cp wouldn’t get one.
I agree with this im pretty sure he used to have one so IDK why they changed it.
In the motd it says The rooms inside the hotel and the apartment complex in suburbs are considered separate bases. You may Megabase in them, all of the typicalMegabase rules apply. It kind of conflicts with the fact that You may not Megabase in Suburbs. I think this rule could be confusing to somebody who wanted to megabase in the apartments in the suburbs because it says you can’t but it mentions megabasing in the appartments. I think this could be changed to. “You may not megabase in the suburbs unless the megabase is in the appartments.” Or something of that nature makes more sense. -Cubed3
Best games to play on a decent gaming laptop no mouse needed
Cubed3 replied to xxkracklexx's topic in Gaming
Fez -
I agree but I can see how it could be a problem because sometimes people may put cameras in the street or prop block with them saying that they are cameras and they just have to be “close” and that’s pretty vague so I can see how I would work but it’s not likely it would be changed. -Cubed3
They can't just do that it costs lots of money time and effort to expand a server and if the loading times are already bad and will be worse if there is more custom classes so I can't imagine the lag the server would have with lots of new things like a new map and stuff. I think the server should go in small steps to improve the quality rather than just going out with a bang and the server is supposed to be pretty vanilla anyways. It could work but it's far out there. -Cubed3
I think that donator classes like pro thief should have a higher or unlimited amount of slots because if you pay a premium for a certain class you should always have access to it. I find myself constantly trying to buy the job slot from other people for like 50k just so I can have the faster lock pick. The only exception I could see to this would be juggernaut because having too many armored pd members does seem unfair. I hope that you guys can take this suggestion into consideration for the future. -Cubed3
Remove Tazers or make combat tazing against the rules
Cubed3 replied to Matt305's topic in Suggestions/Issues
I agree with poop on this tazers are a tool for people breaking laws and it should be expected that you may be tazed if your breaking the law it's not unbalanced it's just a cop doing a job. If your trying to roleplay as a cop then tazing people is your job. If your a criminal you should be prepared to deal with it instead of complaining about how you broke a law. -Cubed3 -
Metallica - I would start with for whom the bells toll or master of puppets- you will probably recognize enter sandman.
+1 I've never seen anybody use this gun for any other reason than to meme.
I think that the Juggernaut class should spawn with more ammo than just 2 mags for the ACR. I feel like a always run out when using it and ammo isn't very expensive so its not like it would be game breaking or anything. Maybe just 2 more mags and that's it. Also a command like /laws that puts a small lawboard in the top right corner of your screen so you can see what the laws are.
a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Cubed3 a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/XxCubed3xX/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Cubed3#0079 a4) What timezone are you located in? Eastern a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 1 active a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? I have because this was the first DarkRP server I ever played so I didn't know what I was doing so i got bans for things like minge and rdm because i didn't know the rules. I have not been banned in a long time though. I recently donated so if i get banned again it will be worse because I spent $40 on the server. a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? None. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I play the server almost everyday and I am on a lot when the server doesn't have a lot of people. People are always prop climbing and rdming because there are no mods on and that's when I think I could be really helpful as a staff member. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I always go around talking to newer players that don't know what there doing to try to help them. EX. I always see people using the wire frame material and I try to tell them that that's not allowed. Also I know the MOTD really well and would love to help out my favorite DarkRP server. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. 1: RDM- random death match it is when another player randomly attacks another player for no reason : punishments - 1st time verbal warning 2nd time real warn 3rd time temp ban or if mass rdm 2 week ban. RDA - random arrest for example a corrupt cop randomly arresting people that have not broken any laws. punishments - first time verbal 2nd time real warn 3rd temp ban. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR - new life rule - if you are killed you cannot remember what happened in your last life and come back for 2 minutes. Ex. You are raiding somebody and are killed but you decide to go back to the base and raid again - a hitman kills you and you go back to the same spot and kill him. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. metagame - using knowledge that the player couldn't realistically know. Ex. seeing hit accepted above a hitmans head and running away because you assume he has a hit on you. Ex. 2 using voice chat to see if the owner of the base is home. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? take a screenshot or video and report it on the forums. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? Jail the person mass RDMing deal with the sit then deal with the person mass RDMing by banning them for 2 weeks d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. ask them to remove the props nicely without warning because there's only 2 and if they don't warn both of them remove them myself and if they proceed to do it I would temp ban them.