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seeing a man lose his only daughter 10 minites into a game.
Xeno is one of the last servers running downtown_v4c_v2, the maps listed are too big in my opinion, if we're already receiving periodic lag on this map then making it bigger with more complex assets would not help with the overall lag situation at all if not make it much worse. I dont know if people can relate but one of the biggest reasons im still playing on Xeno is the map, if the map were to change then the majority of what i came to the server for is gone, and i feel that other people share the same opinion, and would also eventually stop playing. What would be cool is an custom version of v4c_v2 with more content added into it (more jobs, more money making methods, new unique base locations etc...) or upgrades to the overall server stability instead of switching the map.
Proccessor: ryzen 5 1600 @ 3.7mhz Ram: g-skill ripjaws V @ 2666 mhz GPU: MSI gtx 1080 gaming x STORAGE: 1tb wd blue harddrive, 250gb samsung 850 evo sata ssd, 128gb m.2 ssd(boot drive) PSU: corsair rm850x fully modular power supply 850w CASE: N/A (some shitty 50 dollar case with the side panels missing)
Best games to play on a decent gaming laptop no mouse needed
killerofgames21 replied to xxkracklexx's topic in Gaming
Unarrest batons for the mayor
killerofgames21 replied to killerofgames21's topic in Suggestions/Issues
There are times where police officers are busy, or straight up refuse to un-arrest them, and its not fair to the person arrested or the mayor to have to wait for a police officer to show up and unarrest them. By giving the mayor an unarrest baton (not a tazer just the baton) it would allow people to be let out of jail faster and would leave the pd less susceptible to an easy raid by someone camping in pd lobby waiting for the mayor to open the door to let someone out of jail. -
Whenever RPing as a mayor, all the bail is supposed to go through the mayor, to have the mayor not have an unarrest baton just feels like its an unnecessary hindrance. Just picture this. Someone gets arrested, he pays bail, so now i have to open the doors to the cell, the cell room, and the 2nd door of pd to let the prisoner out, leaving the pd susceptible to an easy raid when the 2nd door opens. I cant tell you how many times ive tried to let someone out of pd to be unarrested, only to have a raider advert pd raid as soon as i open the door. This whole scenario could be avoided by just giving the mayor an unarrest baton. it would allow people to be let out of jail quicker, and not leave the pd door literally wide open to raiders.
chrome eats up so much ram, and google has a vice grip on it. i like firefox because it actually gives a shit about its users privacy, and uses substantially less ram per open tab compared to chrome.
Your In-Game (RP) name: KilsUnusuallyMassivepeen Player's In-Game (RP) name: spicy Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) STEAM_0:1:419383407 Describe how the player broke the rules: said the you know what word in /ooc Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://mega.nz/file/WQVgRICC#qRHb0lpic5JbgGx0QFubaKRKkbdDsUUm1LqqPJxUkzY
I agree with M. Sinister not the staff team zyngas. you all signed up for a JOB not as a volenteer. straight up the only reason i play on xeno is because its are still using the downtown.v4_2 map. if it was not for this, i wouldnt be here. The way that the staff team works is basically "im too lazy to sum this situation up in less then 5 minites in-game, so instead go waste 15 minites gathering info and make a player report and wait 3 days for anything to happen". I get that you guys are humans and you got lives and all that, but IMO you need to do the JOB you applied and got accepted for. @Zyngas
seems like the staff just LOVE not answering Tickets and then blaming it on "oh we dont need to take tickets". meanwhile (just a hypothetical situation) theres mass rdm, corrupt cp, nlr, etc, going on and they just go "not my problem ask a diffretnt mod". With 3-5 mods on during peak hours there is literally 0 excuse for tickets not being handled aside from just pure laziness., or abnormally long sits. If staff members dont wanna do the job they applied to do, then its time for some new staff.
and you needed to make a forum report instead of a staff sit because??? fucking asshole
Your In-Game (RP) name: TotallyNotJoeBiden Player's In-Game (RP) name: Brent Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) STEAM_0:1:63643997 Describe how the player broke the rules: shot my car from his base, then when i confronted him he said" nah i didnt do shit" Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://mega.nz/#!y4tgGaqb!bzohlh8qJoH5D702sxwInmx5CojDUnMrBiLO06IwM2U Edit: sorry for the earrape in beginning the video
Your In-Game (RP) name: TotallyNotJoeBiden Player's In-Game (RP) name: iConsumeKush, OG-GingerPower Player's Steam ID: (Type: ulx copyid "Playername" in console) og's:STEAM_0:1:504291459 ( i cannot locate iConsume's steam if Sorry) Describe how the player broke the rules: iConsumeKush: Mass Rdm, even says at one time while shooting other people "admins arent on", also towards the beginning of the video calls someone a "black women" OG-GingerPower: Mass Rdm, camping spawn to shoot people as soon as they left. Evidence of the player breaking the rules: https://mega.nz/#!j1cETYLB!WD6lI0q8qibOhyG03KORP0OtlcJ5usWcXddi11I-mJs Additional Notes: there is what appears to be a gun or blackmarket dealer seen shooting in the video, he wasn't mass rdming, he was only trying to protect himeself from the other people who WERE mass rdming, so please dont warn him.
love the trimmed footage, love how you conviently trimmed all the parts of you coming up to me and mugging and kidnapping me multiple times also breaking nlr.... 80% of the encounters with you, you were the antagonizer of the situation, The 2 staff on at the time Kil and The Local Poop Dealer were refusing to take any sits at all for you breaking nlr with the spam kidnapping, so i just started to break nlr and rdm you for christ sake. Your really gonna report me for breaking NLR when you were the one who started this shit in the first place? If anyone is to blame here its Kil, dude has time to drive around the map doing fuck all but does not have to time to do the job he applied for. And before you hit us with the "staff arent obligated to take sits" horse shit, you applied to keep the peace in the server, to sit there and watch tickets come in and just say "nah fuck it" its downright offensive to the community, and leaves us in the situation of people thinking "well since the admins are not doing their jobs i guess its ok to MRDM or Break NLR or or or....." again love how you trimmed the footage to make you look good.
a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Sad Cuck a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198137887956 a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) killerofgames21#8154 a4) What timezone are you located in? PST (Pacific Standard Time) a5) How many in-game warns do you have? Active warns:19 Total warns 39 (yea i know, i know) a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? Multiple times, most of which were for Mingeing and NITRP at 3 am. a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? N/A Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? Because every time that I get on it seems that there are either 1, staff on but are refusing to take tickets or 2, no staff on and it being complete chaos. i my goal is to become a staff member that can hopefully keep the peace a little better. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I would be Unbiased with my judgement towards players, one rule being applied to one player needs to be applied to a different player in the same way. I also get on xeno almost daily so I would be a frequent staff member Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM: aka random death match aka “why did you kill me?” means to initiate combat with another player without reason or good intent. RDA is to randomly arrest someone without good intent or reasoning. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR or “new life rule” is when you are killed performing an action, you cannot go back to that location and resume what you were doing in your “previous life” once you have been killed that rp situation is considered over (example being a raid or pvp) c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagaming is using outside applications to gain information that would otherwise not be accessible to the player in game, such as obtaining the layout for an individuals base through discord screenshots or other non ingame methods. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? Ask the staff member to stop, if he continues, Turn on the video recorder and take screenshots. Then i would report said staff member on the forums with the evidence I have aquired d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would jail that person as to prevent more mass rdming from happening, once my current sit is over i would handle the mass rdmer, or would ask for another staff member to assist me in dealing with these 2 situations at the same time d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. Give them a verbal warning, then if they continue to give them a !warn, if it STILL continues then a ban for prop minge/abuse/ no listening to staff would be issued.