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Police Cars 2: Electric Boogaloo

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i made this post a while ago, but i would just think it would be so cool to see police cars patrolling the city, also when someone is wanted, warranted they can turn on the police lights and siren. Also there can be like undercover police officers that could arrest people that think there are no cops around.

Here is the link to the police car i imagined but you guys can use anything you feel like 😉 :


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I used to play on a server with cop cars. It came free with the police class. Once you switched it would disappear. it had sirens and they were hella annoying, so i would hope that we dont include that if they were to be added. 


However, whenever I play police with friends we all pile in a car and patrol the map. We can walk, but it is much faster to cross the entire map in a car. 

Police cars would be a harmless addition to the server that would boost RP for police. Id love to see them added.

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I agree with everything but


"Also there can be like undercover police officers that could arrest people that think there are no cops around."

No. This is cancer. I've played on servers with this before and it's annoying as hell.

You think "oh maybe this will limit crime" but it will just lead to people getting /advert warned and RDM'd when people think they are undercover. These are the types of changes that just make the server less fun.

Oh, and who can forget getting shot by another cop who thinks you are just a thief with no good intentions, or when they go to arrest you and find out that you're just uncover. Super game breaking.


Edited by Setro
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  • 9 months later...

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