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New rule against tasing/arresting during combat

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Let's get one thing straight; tasing is a bitch's way out of an actual fight and no actual cop ever does that irl, nor do they attempt an arrest after a suspect fires a shot at them. Tasing and arresting should be viewed as "tasing/baton rushing" and shouldn't be allowed. The moment a criminal damages a cop during a chase, the cop should not be allowed to continue to arrest them and should be forced to switch to their lethal weapons. The taser makes arresting way too easy for policemen and I'd suggest outright removing it if it weren't for the former also being an option. I'm not suggesting realism be vamped up, but this should be a quality of life change. I can guarantee that people will have a far better time if a rule like this gets implemented.

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2 hours ago, Gone like a flame said:

There are quite a few cases where a cop has successfully arrested a guy after they were shot at some of them do involve the guy being tased and so on it's not unrealistic

except that police are advised to open fire on anyone that's confirmed to be a threat, and with anyone with a gun you can't take that chance or you risk dying for nothing

Edited by Nightfire
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It's shoot to kill, and officers are trained and checked if they can shoot worth shit which frequently stops bad shooters from joining the academy. Suspects who are determined to be armed and dangerous are suspects a cop can't take risks on, and not using lethal force can mean even more deaths of fellow officers or random civilians caught in the gunfight due to the shooter themselves.

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-1 if the person was running then officers would use their taser, besides try telling someone new to the server "You can taze them and arrest them if they are breaking a rule on the law board, the taser will completely immobilize them for about 5 seconds and that gives you your chance to arrest them, BUT if they take out a gun you have to shoot them." there would be so many tickets for a minor issue

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Just like in real life, the cops have a choice. They sometimes have a split second to make a decision. If a cop had a taser out and aimed at a suspect, and then said suspect pulls out a gun, the cop makes the decision of weather or not to deploy the taser, or to reach for his own gun. Cops are trained at shooting, but there are times they choose to use less than lethal options against immediate threats to their life. If you want to train a police force to use lethal when their life is in danger, become the police chief and set clear rules.

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Just like Zyngas mentioned, cops have a choice. Cops are encouraged to use non lethal when they are able, my brother who was in law enforcement dealt with 2 people with guns. Once they had to draw guns the other he was able to use his taser.

(These people were either stupid or criminals obviously he has had other cases with guns)


Edited by CombatMilk
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