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Reporting Andy and Remuchu


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Your In-Game (RP) Name: Festive Bubba

Which staff member are you reporting: Festive Andy and Snowy Remuchu

Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I spawned in a barrel for like 1 second and rem deletes it, then about 5 seconds later cheef spawns a prop in and rem deletes it then bring me into a sit and warns me for building in the street. He did nothing about other people building around him at the time. For Andy, Cheef was trying to kill someone who killed a party member. The guy runs into a building and propblocks himself in. Then when cheef tells andy she just runs away. The guy came out of the building and when cheef tried to kill him he crossfires andy and adverts crossfire. Andy then jails cheef and saying he is being warned for rdm. Then Andy says "Well you adverted crossfire after you killed me" like what are you supposed to advert crossfire before you crossfire someone? (adding this after i typed all this out) Rem told us we cant have a camera outside as a hobo, even though we can build outside. I dont see why this is a problem.

Please provide any available evidence to back your claims: https://streamable.com/ax9oa1





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I see you are very upset with the situation! The reason I did not see the other prop was because I was checking logs, double checking myself before possibly taking action against the wrong player. Your prop was there for quite a moment I had time to walk from around slums to your position before it disappeared! I knew it was yours but just to double check myself I opened the logs standing there to make sure I was correct! I have replied to a different report with my stance on the camera, in theory, hobos cannot base. Meaning rule 11 of Bases and Structures, All cameras must be physically within or attached to the walls of a base, not floating outside. If you have no base and the rule says no floating cameras.... That is how I see it!

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6 minutes ago, Andy said:

I did not hear cheef talking to me at all. I was in discord. As for the prop climb, Once you guys said batman drug you up i unjailed you guys and didn't warn you. I apologize for assuming. 

maybe do your job and check the logs before threating to warn someone 

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Rem you were standing in front of me when i spawned the barrel in i don't know what you mean by you walked around slums and to my position. (cheef and horse were sitting next to me when they watched you see me spawn the prop, then you deleted it instantly)

Edited by Bubba
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Just now, Bubba said:

Rem you were standing in front of me when i spawned the barrel in i don't know what you mean by you walked around slums and to my position

For the record I walked up to you and stopped strictly because of the barrel, I had no intentions on interacting with anyone standing in that group

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1 minute ago, Remuchu said:

For the record I walked up to you and stopped strictly because of the barrel, I had no intentions on interacting with anyone standing in that group

the barrel was spwaned in for about 1 second and you took him and warned him 

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10 minutes ago, Remuchu said:

I see you are very upset with the situation! The reason I did not see the other prop was because I was checking logs, double checking myself before possibly taking action against the wrong player. Your prop was there for quite a moment I had time to walk from around slums to your position before it disappeared! I knew it was yours but just to double check myself I opened the logs standing there to make sure I was correct! I have replied to a different report with my stance on the camera, in theory, hobos cannot base. Meaning rule 11 of Bases and Structures, All cameras must be physically within or attached to the walls of a base, not floating outside. If you have no base and the rule says no floating cameras.... That is how I see it!

The part where you said "I had time to walk from around slums to your position before it disappeared!" is a complete lie. You were standing there and when i spawned in the barrel you deleted it with your tool gun, the only reason it "disappeared!" is because you instantly deleted it

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Hello bubba, cheef, and perhaps baqqo. I would like to start off with the camera hobo problem. This is already being discussed in another thread so we can ignore this. (Will post link to thread at the end). Now Bubba as you should know spawning props in the street is not allowed, Although minor problem a warn was indeed not necessary and probably overboard I will talk to rem to see if we can come to a agreement. 

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Well as of now my warn was removed but before this is moved into handled. (This is for the Admins) Please just make sure your mods know the simple stuff before they get s-mod. Like if i was in charge i would set up like a test of questions to give to see if they know the MOTD before just giving them s-mod for meeting time/ticket requirments. I would help prevent situations like this hopefully. I do understand that some s-mods might get confused on some rules, knowing i was one my self a couple times. But still seeing something like a test for them to prove they know the MOTD before getting such a high role in the staff team would be a good thing to see. Thank you.

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@CheefCrossfire is not a thing on Xeno. You actually did RDM even if it was not intentional. Andy had the choice of a verbal or formal warning. During the sit you could have gotten a verbal should you not have over reacted as well as later on going onto rooftops to interact with Andy during their sits which is not allowed. Andy will not be receiving a punishment as they were operating within our guidelines and rules.

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