Pioneers09 Posted September 22, 2019 Share Posted September 22, 2019 (edited) a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? Pioneers09 a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) Young/Pioneers#7055 a4) What timezone are you located in? EST a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 1-its a false warn for RDT, I was never called to a sit. I was randomly warned. I tried to appeal but no one took the case. a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? No a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? I used to play DarkRP, I'd say about 4 years ago. I forget the name of the server but I was Mod and Admin on there for a few months, but stepped down because I had a lack of time due to work. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I like helping out servers anyway I can. I can sometimes be a little bit of a minge, but only in good spirit. I see other players routinely minging and not being punished, because they are able to wiggle their way out with inexperienced mods. I am the opposite. I had lots of experience. In fact on one server I was minging so hard without actually breaking any rules, that they made me Admin so that I could help them fix and adjust the rules to catch minges. I willingly did this, and had a great experience with the server staff there. My methodology works because the best way to catch criminals is to join them. We have undercover police because they are able to view into the minds and gain the trust of the people breaking the law. I can work very similarly on GMOD, causing me to be able to catch things other mods cannot. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? My awareness of players' ability to slither out of punishments. I do this myself on occasion, but I mostly try to adhere to rules. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM is random murder, and RDA is random arrest. Players who do these things will be warned, then kicked, temp banned for a short while(1 day, a week, two weeks), etc. Increasing of course as they perform these actions more often and after previous warnings/punishments. I would also like to note that as I do have previous Staff experience, I would for the first while as a moderator on Xeno, ask other moderators what punishment they recommend, assuming another moderator is available. If they are not, I would punish as I see fit. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR is "new life rule". So in a sense, everytime you spawn, you must have a new mind, in a new body, in a new life. You may not run back to your base to try to defend it from a raider who just killed you. You may not go arrest a player who previously shot you, etc. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagame is a situation where you have knowledge of a situation because of real life knowledge of the game. Examples would be, listening to attempt to hear money printers or drug stations in someone's base that you cannot see inside. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I react by not contacting them directly at all. I would not ever speak to this player about what they are doing, especially in a mean way, because they are higher up than me, so I keep my mouth shut. I record or collect evidence of this abuse, then I report to their immediate superior. I then step down from the situation, become uninvolved, and allow the higher ups to deal with that. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I handle the situation by jailing or freezing the player causing the mass RDM. I try to quickly resolve the sit I am in by gathering as much info as possible, as quickly as I can. I then turn to the mass RDMer and let them know what I've seen them do. I then handle according to protocol. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I inform these 2 players that building in the streets is against the rules. I then let them know that I have no problem, as long as it is not near spawn. If another player, who is not their friend logs on, I ask them to remove the props from the street. If they refuse I follow standard protocol. I would warn, then kick, then temp bans, then ban. Thank you for taking your time to read my application, Pioneers09 aka Tristan Edited September 22, 2019 by Pioneers09 Editing in response to a comment Link to comment
Doctor Hunt Posted September 22, 2019 Share Posted September 22, 2019 Neutral Never seen you in-game. If I have it's probably only been at least once. A5) If you maybe message a staff member (like an HR) or make a report on the forums about this, it could be resolved. B1) Weird way of catching minges by minging but ok. Seems like you caused a big stir on that server for no reason, however if it worked it works. B2) I see you mention people trying to escape punishments? Our staff catch on quickly and we mainly try to give verbal warnings before any harsher punishments such as warnings and bans. C1) If you could specify the ban for the "short while" that would help. Also great mention of using the staff team as a resource for help. Questions are always willing to be answered because it's better to get things right the first time rather than wing it. Punishments can be handled anyway a staff deems fit, however they should consider the guidelines when banning around these times. Good answer! D1) Good way to handle this situation. It's better for staff to refrain from arguing, stopping us from showing imbalances in our team. Well done! D3) If you could define "standard protocol" it would help us understand how you would actually dish out punishments. The application is great! However, your last paragraph brought you down for me by a lot. You mention that you minge with your friends a lot and try to bend the rules so that you are not technically breaking them. In my opinion, that's pretty unprofessional for a experienced staff member. I wouldn't technically call you an ally, more as a friend if you're on our team. And yes, we do have teams. You're application was good and I thank you for applying to our server. See you in-game! Link to comment
Simon04 Posted September 23, 2019 Share Posted September 23, 2019 (edited) -1 Pros: None Cons: You have been warned 3 times yesterday with your app up and if you where to be on our team I would like to see more professional people and not people who like's to be mingey with friends and bend the rules and today you where warned and I had a bad experience with you and being rude and you also started talking about your Mod app. Conclusion: I think you should wait 2 weeks to re-apply because you do not seem fit to be staff and got a warn today and had a bad experience with him being rude. Edited September 23, 2019 by Simon04 Link to comment
72scout Posted September 23, 2019 Share Posted September 23, 2019 Pros: Prior Staffing Experience Cons: Warned while Application is up, Have not seen you around, Talking about Application Notes: Although you have prior staffing experience, the Application’s description of you being “mingey without breaking the rules” and your “undercover” method of discovering rule breakers concerns me. Good Staff should not be associated with being mingey nor go undercover to find rule breakers. Furthermore, I haven’t seen you on and I’ve discovered other Staff have had issues with you. In conclusion, I believe you should wait 2 weeks to reapply and we’ll determine your standing then. 72scout Link to comment
Patrick Star Posted September 23, 2019 Share Posted September 23, 2019 Lied during a staff report to get a staff member in trouble -1 Link to comment
Hobo_Harold Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 -1 I have had bad interaction with you and you don't seem to know the rules as good as you should; I also agree you shouldn't have to go "undercover" to discover cheaters. Disrespectful. Link to comment
Bushman Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 Pros - Staffing experience, application seems decently written. Cons - have had bad experiences with you in game, seems very mingey, Warned while application wasn’t up, is very rude in sits; consistently cutting people off. Was bragging about minge? While the undercover method could be used effectively in some situations , we have spectate, which is far more reliable. -1 for me Link to comment
FlatHamburger Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 Pros-Previous staffing experience Cons-Mingey. Warned while application was up, banned while application was up, rude in-game. -1 for me. If you want to be staff, please try to change your attitude towards others. Link to comment
Ravoi Posted September 24, 2019 Share Posted September 24, 2019 -1 Not much to be said here besides the fact that I've seen you in game acting mingey and being rude. Link to comment
Patrick Star Posted September 28, 2019 Share Posted September 28, 2019 DENIED Rude and disrespectful to players in game Not fit for staff as of now Link to comment
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