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Jesus fucking christ if there isn't a donor job as notorious as juggernaut. It takes at least 3 perfect headshots, or 6 body shots to kill one with a dragunov. Their head is even harder to hit because it's a rather small, obscured hitbox.

Their armor alone is the worst thing in the game and the worst experience I have ever had with dealing with an enemy, and I've been raided by custom classes with auto shotties and double barrel shotguns before. Their gun is fine but they have just so much armor that it's no fun at all. It's so laughably broken it makes darkRP seem even less realistic, a feat that is pretty difficult to hit.

Literally every PD raid you do is completely obliterated by just one juggernaut. Add more cops with full armor, which is usually what happens, and you're definitely losing the raid with no doubt. More than 1 juggernaut? Don't even bother.

Clearly this is intended by its name, but it seems seriously unfair and pay-to-win esque. Had there been a criminal job with armor or something, or the ability for criminals to purchase armor, it'd be alright, but fighting a juggernaut is like fucking throwing rocks at a panzer. They dominate too much solo.

The only reason I'm complaining about this is not just due to my own complaints and experiences but many people agree with me on this. Juggernaut is overpowered and pay-to-win, more than any custom class is. It should be nerfed, whether this is a direct nerf to its armor, walkspeed, etc or whatever, doesn't matter.

Just please, make this job more bearable to play against.

A few possible changes that can possibly help (not meant to be a list of all the things you should do- maybe add some pieces and not others, etc):

  • Make a criminal job that can effectively counter the juggernaut
  • Modify juggernaut's walkspeed
  • Modify juggernaut's damage-per-bodypart-hit. Maybe make the hitbox modifier non-existent and each hit does the same amount of damage regardless?
  • Make juggernaut's footsteps louder (if possible)
  • Direct nerf to juggernaut armor
  • Limit juggernaut job so only 1 person can be one at a time
  • Let criminals buy armor
  • Let criminals use the armory for armor during a PD raid.
  • Make shooting juggernaut slow them down (stopping power)
  • Remove juggernaut.

Seriously, why is this even a problem? In every game I've played a juggernaut has been super slow, severely nerfed, loud, and noisy. In this game it's like any other cop, but with its stats arbitrarily lifted up.

Pls nerf.




Edited by Setro
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Getting rid of the juggernaut would be really dumb considering it is there to give the police force some extra power. Here are some counter options to your issues with them.

  • Make more friends to raid with
  • Target the juggernaut first during a raid
  • Get better aim
  • Get better weapons
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In every representation of juggernauts in every single game, they have lots of armor, lots of weapons and they move very slowly. The movement speed is largely a problem because of the unrealistic ability of a normal human to move at that speed with 150 pounds of armor. 

Also, custom classes are irrelevant in this decision. That's implying that you have to spend real money on the server to be able to kill someone else who has. 

I also agree with allowing criminals to buy armor. This should be a part of the Black Market Dealer's abilities.

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tbh just open up the weapon selection for the gun dealers to sell so non cc players have good guns and allow the black market dealer to sell body armor like Kevlar or put armor stations in PD for anyone to use so not just cops get armor because cops already get a really good gun, the honey badger if you hit your headshots with that your gonna kill everyone

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