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Its Pocket Sand here and god damn I miss this server, I took a 2 year break after I got senior mod and came back every once in a while. I know that I was probably annoying as shit because I was younger at the time but to everyone I played with, thanks for being around for me to experience the best garrys mod dark rp server of all time. I remember Xeno's Got Talent, Building stuff as a hobo, selling/stealing base designs, afking in my base for 5 hours to claim the sweet bitcoin loot, making bullshit laws as mayor, all was extremely fun and I miss it terribly, I remember sitting on the Gmod title screen spam clicking the join server button until someone left because I wanted to join so bad. Special thanks to NotDominik, Saddy, Rice Cooker, Earl, West, Lucina, Forrest Gump, Phatom, and Zyngas for being extra cool on the server and giving me moments in my life that I wil never ever forget because of this server. I sank in blood, sweat, failed raids, suceeded PD Raids, etc into this server and is the entire reason I have 1k hours on Gmod, without Xeno I have kinda been putting Gmod on the back burner because I dont really like to play anything else on it except the rare games of TTT. If this server ever, ever gets big again then ping the shit out of me on discord because Xeno was (and still is) the only DarkRP server I have played on for more than 1 day. The community was truly impeccable and I cherish that. Again I am sorry for being an annoying shit on the server on my time there, however with those apologies come great memories that I will never forget. Thank you Xeno for being the server everyone loved as well as abandoned. Pocket Sand.
So, it has been a while since i have been on the server. I just wanna know if anything MAJOR has changed in the community or server.
in my opinion i like firefox way more
-1 try explaining this to a tmod
this is what you get for doing drugs
So TF2's and CS:GO's source code has been leaked. If you have TF2 /CS:GO installed please go and disabled auto updates/uninstall the game and make your steam profile private so your account isn't vulnerable through the game. Do not play the game or any other source games for the time being as doing so could put your data and computer at risk. If you're financially invested in the game I'd recommend cashing out now if it's in your best interest. Please spread this message around to other people who don't know. Im expecting an update from valve later today but im not sure.
so what if you cant play 'i get around' on the radio? just open a new tab in chrome and play it yourself
also mods stop the votekick and say "yOu CaNt VoTeKiCk WhIlE StAfF Is On" meanwhile they are farming bitcoins not doing anything
for me it has to be Captain America: Civil War, i remember clearly in the movie theater i was so bored i slept in the theater. Also literally ALL of the star wars movies, i cant stand em
how about this, dont use radios
+1 i want to be able to change my name without some minge stealing my name.
Freddy started following ForrestGump
Before you bash this like my meat on December 1st let me explain... I think CC's are overpowered because of their weapons. Maybe for a donator rank there can be another Dealer that can supply CC weapons but they will be very expensive, im talkin like 2 mil per shipment. Also it will give players a chance when they are raiding against CCs. Though the rank for the Dealer you need will be either Vortigaunt or Gman since these are very expensive weapons, high risk = high reward. Edit: also im doing this because CC's might (MIGHT) never be added in again.
(Neutral) leaning -1