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Everything posted by pian

  1. -1 i usually just get a basic ass quesadilla cus chipotle has absolutely destroyed my ass more than once
  2. a1) What is your in-game (RP) name? ripple a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile. https://steamcommunity.com/id/rippleyyy/ a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234) ripple#0001 a4) What timezone are you located in? PST a5) How many in-game warns do you have? 5 a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why? 3. They all happened within a very short period of time, and they were all really dumb. The first was a LTAP ban, after I got jailed for 5 minutes by a mod for crossfire, so I was mad and just left. It was a really dumb ban. The other 2 was due to a time where I "mass prop minged". I spawned a floating prop that I didn't know it caused as many issues at it did, left to make it seem like a current t-mod spawned the prop, had someone make a ticket over it, came back and deleted the props. This resulted in a ban, and I hopped on an Alt a few days afterwards to talk to someone I knew from a long time ago that happened to be on the server, told a senior-mod about it and got promptly banned for ban evasion. All of my bans are really stupid and I regret them all. a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where? Yes. I was staff on a few small pvp-based mincraft servers in 2019-2020, I was Head Moderator / Mod manager for a small TTT server in 2015-2016 and I was staff here twice, one for about 8 months in 2019 and once for about 4 months in 2020 - 2021. Please answer these questions with your honest opinion. b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP? I have been with the community for 3 years and have never had issues making friends within the community. I love where the staff team is going, and I would love to return to the team. Recently, some staff left so I believe having some more mods that know the rules very well would be good for the team. b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator? I know the rules very well and I know the team really well. I left only somewhat recently, so I am familiar with a large portion of the staff team. Like I said, I have been in the community for a very long time, so I know the rules and the regulars really well. I would love to join the team right when summer hits, so I can give a boost to the current staff teams during bad hours later in the day. Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions: c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished. RDM is Random Death Match, and RDA is Random Arrest. RDM is where a player kills another player without and RP reason to do so, and RDA is when a player arrests another player without a RP reason to do so. Punishment for both would depend on the situation, and the player. If it was a new player, I would give them a verbal warning, and let them know to read through the MOTD. I would also try to help them get a good grasp on how the game works, if they need any extra help. However, depending on the player, and their background it could result in an in-game warn, or worse. If it is repeated RDM / RDA on the same person, I would probably ban them for a week for Repeated RDM/RDA. If it was en masse, I would ban for 2 weeks for Mass RDM/RDA. c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated. NLR stands for New Life Rule. The New Life Rule dictates that anyone who dies in a certain area or activity cannot return there in a certain period of time, 2 minutes for most areas of the game, and that they cannot reference any information from a previous life. However, for certain activities, there may be some specific rules. For example, for Raids / PD Raids. For those activities, if you die in that activity, you cannot return to that area until it has concluded, and the 2 minute time period has passed. c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence. Metagaming is where you do something you wouldn't do in an RP situation, or where you break RP to gain something over someone else. For example, if I were planning to raid a base, I can't die around it to try to see inside of it. Another example is where I would be getting kidnapped or mugged, I can't use the kill command in console to get out of it. The most common (imo) would be the VC scenario. This is where multiple players are in a voice chat, and a player gets killed/gets mugged/ kidnapped, and that player tells the other players in the call where and who is doing this to them; resulting in those players going there and killing the person that attacked the other player. Metagaming often results in warns, but can also often result in NITRP (No Intent To Roleplay) or Minge bans. Please explain how you would handle each of these situations: d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react? I would record their actions and report it to an admin. d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation? I would jail the MRDMer, and likely gag them. I would then ask another online mod to deal with them. If there are no online mods, I would finish the sit then deal with the MRDM'er. d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets. I would let them know that that is against the server rules, and advise them to buy a large house in Industrial, or the house with the backyard in Suburbs. Another solution would be for them to go to the Hobo class, allowing them to build on the sidewalks and parking areas. This gives a little more wiggleroom to build, and encourage to read through the MOTD. If they refuse both, I would advise them to a Sandbox server. If they continue to refuse, I would have to remove their props, and kick them if necessary. If they continue to come back and break rules, I may issue a ban. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Quick thing I wanted to add. Right after I resigned recently, I became very mingy. I got banned a few times, and warned a good bit but I have tried to fix myself. My last warn was almost 2 months ago, and I have been making an effort. My words don't mean a whole lot without actions to back them up, so I'm going to leave this here. I do regret my warns and bans, and I do regret being a pain in the mod's sides. Also, Zyngas, i'm sorry for making you change a rule due to me being petty. I didn't realize it would be such a big issue. I appreciate the rule change, though.
  3. The messages were not a joke, he did indeed pick up 4 million from Honda Civic.
  4. Your In-Game (RP) Name: ripple Which staff member are you reporting: Master in Disguise Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: There was a player, named Honda Civic, doing a sort of "hide and go seek" for an rp-event. He would hide in different parts of the map, and anyone who would go to find him would make money. Pretty straight-forward. Master In Disguise decides to make some easy money by abusing and using /spectate to see where he is. Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:
  5. Your In-Game (RP) Name: ripple Which staff member are you reporting: Master in Disguise Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: He doesn't have his discord nickname as his in-game RP name, and could be confusing for new players. This also violates 2 staff documents. Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:
  6. its pretty easy to just check logs to see whoever raided someone if they don't have entities in a base. also its p easy to tell if a base is made to be a killbox or if a base has props and just happens to be empty
  7. when it comes to specific rp events, of course that is not "legal rdm". those are specific rp events created with the class to create the entire game we spend time playing. These bases are just loopholes. You can just have a simple, bitminer lite or a bronze clicker inside the base, or even just a 0 dollar tip jar. I guess this is just a dumb loophole that, if the owners would to fix, would just create more problems. Maybe just don't have staff members popularizing loopholes?
  8. An image example is added here. These placed "kos inside" bases are very clearly designed to just be killboxes should not be allowed, or at the very least required to have entities so players can raid these bases. Having them sitting in a base, killing anyone who comes through with no ability to challenge them kinda sucks. The MOTD states: This makes these bases invincible strongholds with no way of retaliation. They serve no rp purpose other than, as That's Odd would put it, "Legal RDM".
  9. bruh just block off another entrance. In terms of the difference between fading windows and doors, the motd says: "Players should not be able to fit through Fading Windows, otherwise they are considered Fading Doors." Even if it was a crawl base, and that makes it illegal in one right, it is still not allowed.
  10. pian

    Report on King Vise

    also, there is a current issue with the black color with debug white that causes 3d textscreens to not show up sometimes. I didn't know this when the report happened, but I can vouch that he had one. We're good!
  11. pian

    Report on King Vise

    yo big facts i was learning preterite
  12. Shops should have different basing rules. As of right now, shops in the MOTD have the same ruleset as private bases, while they are specified to be different. Under Merchant rules, rule 2 states: While this seems fine on paper, this kinda sucks. Shops have the same rules as private bases, so a gun dealer can just gun you down for entering their shop. Unless you specifically say you want to do business, they have full RP reason to kill. On top of that, they are not allowed to make specific reasons to kill. This leads to mods making "Kos Inside - you may be killed for _____" to loophole the rules. Even though the MOTD states that you can't be KOS'd for specific things, they make it so that they kinda can. However, this still lets them gun you down for trying to rp. This just ruins RP. Give shops a specific ruleset. It would help out RP a ton, and would stop all the dumb kids making killboxes pretending to be a shop. Shoutout to the mods making legal killboxes!
  13. pian

    Report on Chilled

    are you going to comment on letting the dude repeatedly rdm and ardm me in a sit? If demonic said it wasn't mass, alright, but then it would have been repeated. He killed more than enough people to warrant getting banned.
  14. pian

    Report on Chilled

    you should still talk to me?
  15. pian

    Report on Chilled

    I already attached this sc, not sure why you uploaded it again. Can you talk about why you didn't punish the dude at all prior to the second MRDM, or why you didn't talk to me prior to warning me?
  16. pian

    Report on Chilled

    Sorry for the two deleted videos, they were from a report I was planning to make yesterday but just decided not to. The videos won't let me delete them now, so it is what it is. (I found out how to delete the videos. I'm just not very smart. sorry.) Here's a screenshot of my ticket: https://gyazo.com/641cd6ddaaca7f3b76decd811adce4c9
  17. pian

    Report on Chilled

    Your In-Game (RP) Name: ripple Which staff member are you reporting: Chilled Please describe the staff member's unjust behavior: I was falsely warned without a reason. As the footage shows, there had been a clear minge on, who had changed his name multiple times. At the point of the second clip, he had attacked enough people to warrant a MARDM ban. However, chilled let him off with a single warn. He also ARDM'd me in a sit. Chilled just didn't punish him at all. When he eventually MRDMS again, I put in a ticket reporting MRDM. Chilled takes it and immediately closes it, so when I add my opinion to the end of it, it shows as an additional ticket. Instead of talking to me, Bringing me, anything, he just warns me. The clips in order: I was RDM'd, he was brought to a sit where he lies and says I "called him gay." This isn't true, chilled warns him. The second ticket is after he RDM'd demonic, then tries to RDM finny but killbinds before he dies. I made the ticket for finny, as I had noticed he RDM'd enough people to warrant a ban. The third clip is him MRDMing again, and the fourth (and separate video) is the false warning. Please provide any available evidence to back your claims:
  18. Your In-Game (RP) name: ripple Player's In-Game (RP) name: King Vise Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:433867814 Describe how the player broke the rules: killed me in his base w/o a kos sign, so rdm Evidence of the player breaking the rules:
  19. pian

    Report on finny

    Your In-Game (RP) name: ripple Player's In-Game (RP) name: finny Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:5340010 Describe how the player broke the rules: FailRP as a CP Evidence of the player breaking the rules:
  20. pian

    what the flip

    so you joined, and we had a party going w/ a megabase to the left of spawn. We just chilled out and killed anyone who entered the megabase, like usual. You left the party, and stood outside the megabase with an svu and headshot almost all 6 of us. You never raided, adverted anything, nothing. I'm not sure what you expected. Like bubba said, we weren't rdming.
  21. Xeno has had a day/night cycle in the past, however it was removed. I wouldn't mind its return, but if it makes the server laggier than it already is I would rather we leave the server as it is.
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