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Moo's Staff Application


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a1) What is your in-game (RP) name?


a2) Provide a link to your Steam profile.


a3) What is your Discord Tag? (ie: SomeUser#1234)


a4) What timezone are you located in?

Eastern Standard Time (EST)

a5) How many in-game warns do you have?


a6) Have you ever been banned? If so, explain why?

I have not been banned.

a7) Do you have any prior staffing experience? If so, where?

Yes. Way back (~4 years ago) I staffed for a Jailbreak server, Pus's Jailbreak, which does not exist anymore. I staffed on two different DarkRp servers a little while after that which also do not exist anymore. I am currently a head admin for FCGaming Purge. I have been staff for two of the three owners of Roundbased Purge. I've staffed with them for years, working my way up from T-Mod to Head Admin.

Please answer these questions with your honest opinion.
b1) Why do you want to volunteer for XenoRP?

I've missed staffing for DarkRp. I enjoy helping out others in-game and try to whenever possible. I feel like the server could always use more staff members, since there are always a lot of tickets coming in. I'm relatively active which also helps. I've been on a good amount of staff teams and currently help lead one, I enjoy working alongside other staff and helping make their jobs easier when possible. I've also read the MOTD many times over. Whenever I do not know something I will always look it up or even ask a staff member. I always try my best and hardest to follow all the rules.

b2) If you were to get accepted, what do you think would make you a good moderator?

I've staffed for servers for many years. I know my way around the ULX menu and stay active on the Forums whilst staff. I can go from casual playing mode to in-focus staff mode relatively quickly. I feel like I can explain rules as best as possible to those who need it, and can calmly explain things whilst in a sit. Whilst being staff I try to keep all my interactions somewhat mature and appropriate and try to lead by example.

Please provide descriptive answers for the following questions:

c1) Define RDM/RDA and describe how players who perform those actions should be punished.

RDM meaning random death match is when someone goes and kills one or more players without having a reason.

The first time someone RDMs they should be given a verbal warning and an explanation on why that is not allowed and how to avoid it in the future. The second time they shall be given a warn and another explanation. Third time I would jail them and ask them to read the rules before being able to continue playing.

If someone MRDMs I would jail them immediately and explain to them why they cannot do that. If they are sincere about it (and have not done so before) I will warn them. If it happens again or they are looking to do it again I will ban for two weeks.

RDA meaning Random Arrest is when a player is in a civil protection job with the ability to arrest others and does it without reason.

The first time someone RDAs I would verbally warn them and explain why they cannot do that. The second time I would warn them and explain once again why that isn't allowed. Third time I would warn, demote them from the police job, and explain why that isn't allowed.

If someone MRDAs I will jail them and explain why they cannot be mass jailing people with no reason. If they seem sincere and promise to not do it again (only if they have not done so before) I will warn and return them. If they do it again or are looking to continue doing so I will ban for two weeks.

c2) Explain "NLR" and provide examples of instances in which it is violated.

NLR meaning the New Life Rule is when a person dies they cannot return to where they died or remember what happened in their past life.

NLR can be violated when someone dies in a raid and them come back to it, when someone goes after and kills the person who killed them, etc.

c3) Define "metagame" and provide examples of its occurrence.

Metagame is when your character uses knowledge that they wouldn't know in a real life situation.

Some occurrences of metagame are when you see that the hitman has a hit and you kill them for it, sitting in destroyed cars to avoid rp situations (like dying), etc.

Please explain how you would handle each of these situations:
d1) You see a higher up is abusing their powers to the highest severity, how do you react?

I would gather as much evidence as possible before going to one of the owners with the proof. I would never directly confront said staff member.

d2) During a sit, you see someone outside of the sit Mass RDMing. How do you handle the situation?

I would apologize and ask whoever is in the sit to please stay put for a moment. I would @ jail the person mass rdming and head over to them. I would then proceed with handling the MRDM situation before returning to finish the other sit.

d3) Only two other players are online, and they're building in the streets.

Let them have their fun but monitor it. I'd make sure it didn't get out of hand. If more people came on I would ask them to become hobos and move it to the sidewalks.

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